The Strange Handsom Man

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"Ok shhhhh I need to be very quiet. My parents can't know about this. No one can. But you have to help me I have a problem, please I need to rely on someone. I'm not normal and I don't mean like I am dpressed or ill. I mean not human. Ok before you report me to a hospital, hear me out. If anyone sees this video and knows how to help me. Contact me on this number: 07700 900461. Please I need anything anyone just help me." I sat on my bed forgetting that the camera was rolling and cried. I walked up to the camera and shut it off and got my PC. I uploaded it to YouTube and got ready for what I was going to do.

I grabbed my phone backpack money and coat and crept down the stairs being as silent as possible I opened the door and willed inside my mind for my powers to come to me now. They came I thanked god even though I knew he was not with me I'm not worthy of him I am the spawn of Satan after all. A great wind blew up around me as I was whisked off to where ever my powers saw fit. I need sugar, when I teleport the further away it is the more blood sugar I lose. My head hit the wire mesh floor before I knew where I was and I was out.

My head was swimming through thick black treacle and my heavy lids drew open to see a clichéd circle of faces well not quite faces beige blobs on colors rectangles. "Wh wh who are yo yo you?" I staggered out. The faces came into focus for just a second then I tried to sit up but it was too much energy for me to use at once so I fell down and was sprawled flat on my back drifting in and out of consciousness, only hearing snippets of sentences before I was back to the world of nothingness.

They were saying things like, "Where did she come from."
"Well she can't have just appeared."
"We need to address her injuries first."

My mind snapped into action like Venus fly trap. I looked around me everything was not quite in focus but my mind was sharp. I realizes what was happening. I opened my mouth and "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed with my life depending on it and with what I thought had happened to me it probably did.

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