a A Five year old and Room Replacement

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I stretched my arms up and looked around. I did a double take. I bit my lip to stop my self from screaming. My heart rate soared. I tasted blood in my mouth and quickly let go of my lip. "Good morning sunshine!" Said the man.
"Oh hi how are you? Umm do I get your name yet?" I asked hoping deep inside that he said yes. "Oh of course I'm great and I'm also the doctor. But great is not my name is the doctor. Anyway hi." He spoke at about the speed of light. The doctor then energetically shook my hand. " doctor who?" I questioned.
"Oh Ali I thought you new better, anyway just the doctor nothing else."
He held my hand and looked into my eyes and I closed mine a flash of a young man with a bowtie, blue this time, laughing. Throwing his head back and laughing. I shook my head.
"Ali what did you see?" The doctor said pulling me closer, whispering in my ear.
"Nothing." I said with no emotions, "Nothing at all."

I walked off out of one of the doors took two lefts. I pushed a button and the door opened. I steeped through and ended up in the massive room again.
"What, how, when. Huh?" I looked up at the doctor
"Hey what happened?" I ran up the stairs. The doctor just looked at me and laughed. No it can't be the same laugh as the one I saw. No.
"Oh look at her back to your old tricks again are you?" He said tapping the levery buttony flashy lighty bit in the middle of the room.
"Um doctor what was that?"
Oh it was just her replacing the room to a different spot and messing with you."
"Am I missing something here. From the last 24 hours I probably am. But good to ask anyway. Her?"
"Yes her. Why not her." He said looking defensive and folding his arms against his chest like a three year old.
"Sorry but still 'her'?" I said using my fingers to show I was quoting him.
We went back and forth for ages. Then I just walked out and said, "Nope." Popping the P. I took one step out of the room and ended up in the same one. The doctor fell on the floor laughing. This one again proving that he is a five year old.

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