Meet the Ponds

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he stood up on the chair and brought a strange device from his inside pocket of his jacket. He pointed it at my temple and bleeped. This strange man worked around me in hast with a look of confusion. "No definitely the same person no different DNA patterns. Well then what is different about you?" I slapped the silly toy out of his hands. "Nothing is different, I am me and you don't intervene in the events of my time stream." This man look at me with his massive chin on the floor. "How do you know that. I'm supposed to be the one who knows stuff about time." He stormed off out of the impossible room like a five year old who had been denied a chocolate bar.

I walked up to the two other people standing in the room. One being the doctor the other being a ginger girl with legs up to her neck. "I'm guessing that you know who I am and I'm supposed to know you?" I asked them joking a little. "Well yes you are correct we do know you and you should know us. However it is obvious that the latter impacts on this conversation happening. I think we should introduce ourselves." The ginger spoke. She elbowed the man next to her. "Shouldn't we." She put on a fake smile "Ahem." She coughed. "Oh yes, we should." The doctor said. "I'm Rory Williams, the doctor and this is my wife Amelia Williams, the writer slash model." He said trying to be as friendly as possible but just sounding a bit creepy. "There good enough? Amy?" Rory questioned his wife. "Just a few things it is Rory Pond and Amy Pond." Amy stressed the mistakes he made. She stuck out her hand and Rory saw it and repeated the action. I shook both their hands. They left through one of the doors leading out the room squabbling over what their names were. I heard my name once or twice. I opened my mouth and thought about asking them what it was about. I rethought and closed my mouth. I looked around me at the impossible room and all of the corridors leading off it. I wondered for a bit letting my mind drift. I looked up at the ceiling, at the height of it and pondered "No I can't remember this room."

I sat on one of the chairs around the center thing with all the buttons and levers on it. It had been a long day. I placed my head on the back of the old battered car seats. I closed my eyes and slept. I felt a kiss on my forehead, a bowtie press into my face when the young man said, "Good night." I smelt warm cinnamon and freshly baked goods as a blanket was drawn around my shoulders.

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