Curiouser and Curiouser

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A young man clamped his hand over my mouth and whispered in my ear "It is fine honey just rest, your safe here with us."
"Oh really safe with a bunch of kidnappers. I'd be safer if I had Ebola." I remarked sarcastically. "Now all of you away or I will harm
you." The young man's who had clamped His hand over my mouth stepped forward. I gave him no chance as I took the knife from the inside of my boot and stabbed him with it. "Muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I warned you know step away!" I screamed like a maniac. A man ran towards him and started to look at the long gash going from his left shoulder to the middle of his chest on the right side. His eyes welled up with tears as his fingers felt at his wrist and neck for his pulse. "Nothing dead. For now"

My eyes glazed over and I blocked out my emotions and the gray steal that they normally are changed to a light amber. I felt the anger rise inside me like wild fire as I raged around. The climax of my anger was when I took the knife from my boot and the remaining blood of the man's mixed in with my tears. The death was too much for me, I can't have killed a man.

The room lit up in an amber light the same shade as my eyes and the cut on his body bursted with the light. The light shot into his body and the skin healed sealing the glow in his skin.

He lifted his head and I heard his voice in my head, "What happened to me? No not again. Good my body has not changed that would be hard to explain." But it was not said out loud it was inside me like in my thoughts. Inside my head. "Who spoke?" Said the young man.

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