Who is There?

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"No one did." Replied the man at his side. "She did I heard her." He pointed in my direction. "It is just his head." The man who I has now guessed was a doctor.
"Look it is all in our heads" I thought directing it at him. I had no idea if he would hear this, "just think about what you want to say and point at me with your mind."
"Ok I think I get it" he whispered, that is if a thought can even whisper, his voice was inside me again filling my whole head. "This is telepathy right?" I thought to myself but now we could hear each others thoughts it is unlikely I was the only one to hear it.

I dusted off my shoulder not giving the idea a second thought I had more important things to do. I helped up the man up apologizing in my head for what I had done. "Well who are you?" I asked politely. Looking at each of them in turn waiting for an answer. However the look on their faces told me I was going to have to wait for a while before I got an answer. "Seriously you don't know." Said the man. What did they mean they weren't famous I had never met them before. They were complete strangers to me. "Um no but you look like my cousin." I said lightheartedly with a shrug of my shoulders. They looked at me dumbfounded. "You don't have a cousin." The young man stated. He came up to me and put his hands on my temples and whispered, "Ali are you in there please come back." I pushed him away. "Tell me your name." He started to cry. "How do you know mine." This was too much in two hours I had left home, teleported, passed out, killed a man, he came back to life, become telepathic and now he knew my name. How did he know this was getting weirder and weirder, "Tell me now how do you know MY name tell me now!" My hands has risen up around his neck. I lowered them. "Sorry." I apologized and collected myself. I offered him a seat around the column in the center of the impossibly big room. "Tell me how you know please." I said staying as composed as possible. "Er how don't you know who I am I've known you since you were 14 and first started your power troubles. I was there the first time you teleported. I held your body as you collapsed in my arms. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHO I AM!" he screamed the last sentence.

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