Chapter 1

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Alice's POV
History class is so fun. Makes college easier to deal with. I can't really complain, I chose to be here, I wanted to make friends and have a life. Home was where the weapon planning was and school was where the friends and education was. I say was because A. I'm in college and not school and B. Tony doesn't make weapons anymore he became Iron Man and changed his life around.

The door opened breaking my out of my thoughts in strolled Tony.

"Hey Alice I need you to come home we got a code red"

Code red. What do S.H.I.E.L.D want now?

"Uh. Coming"

My friend Ashlee looked at me shocked

I'll tell you everything later.
I mouthed to her.

I walked to the car with Tony who was looking very smug with himself.

"Tony couldn't you have called me or texted me no one knew that I'm related to you we didn't go to all the trouble changing all of my school information to Alice Forbes for nothing"

"I'm sorry I forgot and you didn't tell your best friend that's shady"

"Oh shut up you self-centered asshole"

He just laughed and climbed into the car.

((3 hours later))

We're currently on our way to Germany apparently Loki the Asgardian is there.

"Miss Stark" Jarvis said through my earpiece.

"Yes Jarvis?"

"Mr Stark is calling"

"Answer it"

"Oh Tony you do know how to call people when you have information instead of barging into their history class"

"Capsicles fighting the guy stay here see if he can handle it"

"He's all over the place, I'm going to the ground"

I was too busy on my phone hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D's bird to realise there was a tree infront of me

"Ouch" I said as the forcefield I was in hit the tree making me hit the inside of the forcefield.

"Did you just hit a tree"

"Shut up Tony. Anyway I'm in"

"Our song please"

All of a sudden Shoot to Thrill started playing loudly out of the jet.

"Agent Romanoaff, miss me?"

I ran towards Loki and Cap as Tony flew down and pointed every weapon on his suit at Loki.

"Make your move reindeer games "

Loki magically removed his armour and held up his hands in surrender

"Good move" I said smirking

"Stark's " Cap said nodding towards us.

"Captain" we replied simultaneously.

This is my first fanfic so please i know its bad but cut me some slack.
This will
all be written on my phone so theres probably a lot of mistakes im sorry.
Thank you for reading


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