Chapter 20

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Odin had taken Jane as his prisoner and Thor and I were not pleased. We walked towards him and Thor said "She's your prisoner now?"
"Leave us" Thor commanded. I looked at him questioning if he wanted me to go but he grabbed my arm and nodded silently saying stay. The people that were in the room did as they were told and left the room, bowing slightly before they did. "I do not wish to fight with you" Odin said as he descended from the steps.
"Nor I with you but I intend to persue Malekith" Thor told him strongly.
"We possess the Aether, Malekith will come to us" Odin said.
"That's the point" I said.
"He will destroy us" Thor said.
"You overestimate the power of these creatures" Odin mumbled.
"No, I value our peoples lives, I'll take Jane to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane it will be exposed and vulnerable and I will destroy it and him" Thor explained.
Damn I wanted to kill the bastard.
"If you fail, you risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies" Odin commented.
"The risk is far greater if we do nothing, his ship could be over our heads right now and we would never even know it" Thor argued.
"If and when he comes his men will fall on 10000 Asgardian blades" Odin countered.
"And how many of our men shall fall on theirs?" Thor questioned.
"As many as are needed!" Odin yelled.
He stumbled in pain and held tight onto his staff for support "we will fight! Till the last Asgardian breath, till the last drop of Asgardian blood" he continued.
"Then how are you any different from Malekith?" I asked.
He chuckled "The difference, child, is that I will win"
Excuuuuuuuuuse me
He walked away from us. We've got to take matters into our own hands.

Time skip

Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun and I were sat around a table whilst Heimdall stood against the wall.
"We must move Jane off-world" Thor said.
"The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in the vault " Mother said.
"There are other paths off Asgard. Ways known only to a few" Heimdall explained.
"One actually" Thor said glancing at me.
One? Loki? Finally.
"No" Volstagg gasped.
Everyone looked torn.
"He will betray you" Fandral said.
"He will try"Thor replied.
"He probably will" I muttered.

Thor and I went to retrieve him.
"Thor. After all this time and now you come to visit me. Why?" Loki said dangerously. "Have you come to gloat? To mock?"
"Loki stop it" I stated. He gave me an apologetic side glance.
"No more illusions, Loki" Thor commanded.
Suddenly the illusion was wiped away and the perfectly kept cell was in ruins. Furniture thrown all over the room, books and fruit lay ripped and squashed. Loki was a mess in the corner. His attire not on right, his hair a mess.

"Now you see me brother" He said. "Did she suffer?"
"I did not come here to share our grief, instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament" Thor said lowly.
"Go on" Loki said intrigued.
"Help us escape Asgard and you will be granted vengeance" I told him.
"And afterwards this cell" Thor added.
I gave him an annoyed look.
"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help" Loki taunted. "What makes you think you can trust me?"
"I don't" said Thor.
"I do" I whispered.
Loki heard me and smiled in my direction.
"Mother did. But you should know that when we fought each other in the past I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere, that hope no longer exist to protect you, you betray me and I will kill you" Thor glared.
"You try to kill him and I will kill you" I countered.

Loki smiled "When do we start?"

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