Chapter 14

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"Sif that's not funny" Loki growled angrily as he stepped infront of me.

I however just stood there unable to react my face emotionless as I stared at the woman in front of me.

The same eyes.
The same hair.
The same body.

"This isn't a joke Loki" Sif replied firmly.
"H-how?" I stuttered.
"The Allfather sent me to Midgard for a mission, I had to blend with Midgardians, and that's how Howard found me. He used his charm and we ended up drinking together. Long story short it was a one night stand, I remained on Midgard until you were born and I was going to give you up for adoption on Midgard because I was ashamed of myself for allowing it to happen" she glanced up at me sorrowfully " your father begged, pleaded and sobbed asking me to let him have you, I knew he had a son and he was able to give you a great life" she continued " I gave you up selfishly so I could continue being a warrior but I've regretted the day I left you ever since. You must understand I didn't want you to grow up surrounded by war"
"But I did grow up surrounded by war, I grew up making weapons, creating a new thing to kill a man. Using each of these training in every weapon available, all I know is war"
"I'm sorry"
"Loki let's give them a moment" Fandral said.
Loki reluctantly went with them giving me a sad glance as he walked past.

I burst out crying.

She hugged me. It was a hug filled with a mothers warmth it was the hug I'd longed for my entire life. She was my mom. I felt her crying into my shoulder too.

"I love you Alice"
"I love you too mom"

A guard suddenly walked towards us "the Allfather requests your presence immediately" he stated then walked off.

We wiped our tears and walked towards the throne room where Odin sat in all his might.

"This is your daughter Lady Sif?" Odin asked already knowing the answer.
"It is my king" she replied respectfully.
"Guards imprison them both for questioning"
Suddenly we were both seized and I panicked.


Within seconds he was rushing into the room and throwing guards off me as I thrashed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Loki bellowed as he glared dangerously at Odin whilst he held me close.

Thor walked in. "What's going on?"

"She's not meant to exist"

"Father, you couldn't possibly mean that!" Thor said shocked.

"She is to be taken to the dungeons"

"To take her you'll have to go through me" Loki said calmly but there was anger evident on his face.

"And me" Thor said strongly.

"Me too" Sif said having got the guards off of her herself.

"Odin please" Frigga pleaded.

Odin looked at his wife the same way Thor looks at Jane and Loki looks at me. They seemed to have a conversation with their eyes.

"Fine but you're both on a warning"

"Thank you" Sif said.

I however glared at him. Bitch.

I then realised I have powers. Duh. I put a bubble around Loki and I. He realised what I was doing and teleported us to his room.

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