Chapter 22

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Loki took hold of the steer and began to grin in genuine glee, he looked cute. We were travelling just above the waterline, as fast as we could go. With the boats chasing us, dodging left and right to avoid their firing.

"Fandral" Thor said.
"Right. For Asgard." Fandral replies as he grabs a rope and drops off the boat. Swinging onto the one attacking us.

Loki now steers the boat to a rocky mountain with a small, narrow cave.

"Loki..." Thor and I warned.
"It if were easy, everyone would do it." Loki replied grinning.
"Are you mad?" Thor shouted.
"Possibly." Loki grinned.
"Oh God I'm going to die: Death by cave" I said laughing with a hint of fear laced in my voice.
"I would never let that happen" Loki whispers pulling me close. We hug for a small moment until I need to move so he can use the secret pathway.

Loki steers us into the cave. I am now officially terrified. It's not that I don't trust Loki it's just how narrow it is. It's so narrow that the edges of the boat are smashing and screeching against the walls of the cave. I notice beautiful crystals on the walls as we ungracefully glide through, the crystals light up the same way that the Bifrost does. Everything goes bright for a second and I close my eyes. When I reopen them were flying rapidly towards the dark sands.

"Ta-da!"Loki says pleased with himself. He glances at me and mouths 'you alright', I nod in reply.
"Where are we?" I ask.
"Svartalfheim" Thor answers.

"Why is everything so... Dead?" I ask Thor as he places a cover over an unconscious Jane.
"It's the realm of the Dark Elves" he replies.

"What I could do with the power that flows through those veins." Loki mumbles referring to Jane.
"It would consume you." Thor warned.
"She's holding up alright. For now." Loki sassed.
"Loki. No." I warn him.
"She's strong in ways you'd never even know." Thor says looking at her lovingly.
"Say goodbye." Loki says.
"Loki!" I shout shocked.
"Not this day." Thor says strongly.
"This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing. It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you prized will be snatched from you." Loki tells Thor.
"And will that satisfy you?" He argues back.
"Satisfaction is not in my nature." Loki replied quickly.
"Surrender is not in mine." Thor copied.
"The son of Odin..." Loki mused.
"No. Not just of Odin." Thor says as he rises and steps towards Loki. Oh no."You think you alone were loved of Mother? You had her tricks, but I had her trust."
"Trust? Was that her last expression? Trust? When you let her die?" Loki says getting angry.

I step towards him unsure whether to stop the brothers quarrel.

"What help were you in your cell?" Thor retorted
"Who put me there? Who put me there!" Loki screams.
I was about to go calm him down but Thor leapt towards him knocking him back.
"You know damn well. You know damn well who!" He shouts.

He raised his fist to hit Loki but before he had the chance I trapped them both in force fields and separated them
"She wouldn't want us to fight." Thor reasons with Loki.
"Well she wouldn't exactly be shocked." Loki said lightly.

They both laugh.

"I wish I could trust you." Thor said solemnly.
"Trust my rage." Loki said strongly.

Jane wakes but when her eyes open the are bright blue. We all look at her as she rises.

"Jane." Thor says, his voice laced with worry.
Jane sits up and moves to the bow.
"Malekith." She says.

We go towards the edge of a cliff to watch Malekith and the Dark Elves exit the Ark below us. I notice Loki narrow his eyes at Kurse and Malekith as they stride proudly across the black sands. Thor takes his attention off of them and turns to us.

"All right. Are you ready?" He asks.
Jane nods in reply.
"I am. " Loki says.
"Always" I say.

We step slightly away from Jane.
"You know, this plan of yours is going to get us killed?" Loki questions Thor.
"Yes, possibly. " Thor answers.
"Fine, but whatever happens, Alice does not die." Loki warns.

I love you
I love you too

We smile at each other for a brief moment.
Loki holds up his cuffed wrists to Thor who looks reluctant.
"You still don't trust me brother?" Loki taunts.
"Would you?" Thor asks.
"No I wouldn't." Loki says once he is released.

Time to put the plan into action.

Loki stabs Thor with a dagger and flings him down the hill as I roughly grab Jane and drag her down the hill with us.
"Thor! No! Alice let go of me you traitor!" Jane screams.
"Do you really think I cared about Frigga? About anybody?  All I ever wanted was you and Odin, dead at my feet!" Loki shouted.
Thor reached out his hand to summon Mjolnir but Loki cut off his hand with his dagger before he could.

He turns to me and grabs Jane from my grasp.
"Malekith! I am Loki of Jotunheim and this is Alice of Midgard and we bring you a gift!" Loki announces as he throws Jane at Malekith's feet.
"We ask only one thing return. A good seat from which to watch Asgard burn." He says darkly.

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