Chapter 5

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Alice P.O.V
I can't stop thinking about that kiss. It was epic to say the least. What am I saying?! Loki's trying to rule the world I can't fall for the enemy that's stupid. Fury would kill me. Actually I'm more sacred about Tony finding out.
I'm currently sat in the lab with Tony and Bruce waiting for a location on the cube.
Whilst we wait were searching through all of S.H.I.E.L.Ds files. I know Agent Romanaoff has just gone to speak with Loki I hope he doesn't mention what just happened.
Tony swipes up a file names 'Phase Two'
Weapons powered by the cube. WHAT THE FUCK FURY.
"What are you doing Mr Stark?" Fury says storming in.
"Uhh kinda been wondering the same thing about you" Tony replies.
"You're supposed to be locating the tesseract"
"The models locked and were sweeping for the signature now" I reply
"And when we get a hit we'll have the location within half a mile" Bruce finishes for me.
"Then we get the cube back no muss no fuss" Tony says sarcastically.
"What is Phase Two?" He asks already knowing the answer

Steve comes out of nowhere and places a gun on the table. "Phase two is S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons" "sorry the computer was moving a little slow for me"
"Rogers we gathered everything related to the tesseract that does not me that we-"
"I'm sorry Nick what were you lying?" Tony says spinning the computer around

Everyone begins to bicker.

I stay out of it.

"Remind me again how you made your fortune Stark" Fury says
"Back off!" I say protectively
Well I was staying out of it but nobody treats my brother like that.

Once again everyone's bickering.
Loki's winning.
As it should be
Go away
Why love?
Get outta my head
You might want to hold onto something
"Big man in a suit of armour take that off what are you?" Steve says
"Genius, billionaire ,playboy ,philanthropist. Oh and big brother" he says glancing at me smirking
"I know guys with none of that worth ten of you and I've seen the footage the only thing you really fight for is yourself and your sister. You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you"
" I think I would just cut the wire"
"Always a way out. You know you may not be a threat but you better stop pretending to be a hero"
I move closer to Tony and take a protective stance.
"A hero? Like you? You're a laboratory experiment Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle"
"Put on the suit lets go a few rounds"
"Hahahahaha you people are so petty and tiny" Thor says
"Agent Romanaoff would you escort Dr Banner to his-"
"Where you rented my room" Banner states
"The cell was just incase-"
"Incase you needed to kill me but you can't I know I've tried"
Everyone falls silent with sympathy.
"I got low I didn't see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spat it out so I moved on I focused on helping other people I was good until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret Agent Romanaoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?"
Banner picked up the sceptre and me, Fury and Romanaoff immediately put out hands on our holsters.
"Banner put down the sceptre" Cap ordered
He looked down confused as if he didn't know he was holding it. A beeping drew everyone's attention it was the computer it had found a match.
" sorry kids you don't get to see my party trick after all"
More arguing
"I'm not afraid to hit an old man"
"Put on the suit"
"Back off Rogers" I say a small forcefield in my hand.
"Oh my god" Banner mutters
Before I could turn around there was an explosion throwing me down with Natasha and Bruce.
Sirens were going off. My head was bleeding. My leg stuck under fallen debris. The pounding oh my god this hurts.
Are you okay?
Do I fucking sound okay you dick?
Voices were in my earpiece and I couldn't quite figure out what they were saying it was all so blurry.
I could hear grunting at the side of me it was Banner. About to Hulk out. Shit. Well that brought me out of my daze. I focused on getting a forcefield to lift the debris off of me. A red one appeared. Cool. My legs were free and I tried not to move too much incase I angered him. I looked to Tasha and mouthed 'are you okay' she nodded in reply.
"Bruce you gotta fight it this is just what Loki wants you're gonna be okay listen to me"
A couple of agents come running and say "you hurt?" I signal them to leave.
"We're gonna be okay I swear on my life I will you get you out of this you will walk away and never have-"
"YOUR LIFE?" Okay that's slightly terrifying
Oh god he's turning!

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