{6}School Projects

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I've been so excited to post this chapter. It's the reason I've double updated on some days. This so far is probably my favorite scene in this book. I hope you like it because I love it, but if you don't then tell me how I can improve. Thanks for reading!
"Come on, Percy! Connor wants his camera back in an hour." I said watching the tall boy fumble with an egg cartoon.

"I'm hurrying!" He replied putting the eggs down.

"Okay! You have all your ingredients ready I'm going to start recording." I said starting the camera rested on the tripod.

"Hi! My names Percy Jackson, and this is my home economic's project video thing." Percy grinned.

I gave him a thumbs up behind the camera.

"I didn't really want to take this dumb class, but I wasn't allowed to take swimming for two electives and gym was full so I got stuck here."

"Percy!" I hissed.

"Sorry," He smiled. " Anyway, today I'll be making a cake! It's from my mom recipes and it should be delicious. That's coming from a professional cake eater, me."

"In this cake you'll need your basic ingredients; flour, sugar, eggs, more sugar, and the most important ingredient....BLUE FOOD DYE!"

I slapped my forehead.

"So you're going to add the right amount of flour. Which is I think two of these?" He held up a measuring cup.

I started waving my hands wildly.

"What, Piper?"

I groaned mentally. I motioned for him to pick up the measuring cup again. I help up the one finger.

"And you don't use to of these you use one? Oh I get it you do use two of these because it's is worth one cup! Right, Piper?" He asked and I gave him a thumbs up.

"So now that we have flour we're going to add sugar." He spilled the sugar all over the counter.

"My moms going to kill me." He said swiping the sugar off the counter and into the bowel.

"So now we have the sugar in! Time for vanilla." Percy said before looking for another measuring tool.

"So apparently it's very important to read labels because a tablespoon is much bigger then a teaspoon." He said after he added the vanilla, holding up two measuring scopes.

"On to the eggs! We are going to use two of them!" Percy popped open the carton.

"So cracking eggs is very easy. Especially if your well trained like me." He held the small white egg in his large hand.

"So to crack it you just-" He fumbled with the egg before almost dropping it.

"Don't let it hit the floor!" He was still fumbling.

The egg was small compared to Percy's hand and hard to hold onto. It slipped out of his grip and headed towards the cool tile floor. I prayed his demigod instincts would kick in.

Percy lunged himself to the floor, dramatically if I might add and caught the egg.

"Got it!" He cheered throwing his fist in the air to show above the Calypso's Island counter.

We called it that since it was a circular counter in the middle of the kitchen, and it was apart from the actual kitchen which was all connected. Just like Calypso's island the circular counter, well was alone and isolated like her island.

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