Chapter 14

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I wasn't paying much attention to the words that were coming out of Cannon's mouth. He was yapping on and on about earning my forgiveness back, while he stood in front of the safe that I didn't even know was inside my closet. My mind was consumed with thoughts of him and that bitch. I wanted to meet with her. No, I needed to meet with her. I wanted to hear what she had to say for herself. Who in their right mind breaks into someone's home and trashes their closet? I wanted to know what the fuck she was searching for as well as why she can't seem to take the hint: her time was up, and I was the only woman in Cannon's life.

"Babe, you heard me?"

"Nah, what you said?" I pushed all thoughts of the tramp to the back of my mind before standing from the bed and walking into the closet. I stopped my trot once I spotted Cannon kneeling down on one knee. "Babe, really? I already agreed to be your wife four years–"

"I never got the chance to make it official, though. So stop talking," He pulled this medium sized,velvet colored box from behind his back. "You already know that my heart belongs to you, regardless of the shit that took place during the last week. I'm not confused and I'm sure as hell that it's you I want to be with forever. I know that you're a real one, because no one else would serve time for a nigga like me. So I guess what I'm tryna say is... you still down to be my wife?"

"Shit, why not?" I chuckled when he grinned up at me. I've already known that I would become Cannon's future wife since I was 22 years old. Four years away from him did nothing but strengthen that dream of mine. "The last name Beckham is gonn' sound so good on you." I nodded as I watched him slip the ring onto my finger. Sometimes I forget that Cannon Davis wasn't my baby's birth name. Cannon Davis was the alias that he's been living under since he entered that hacker lifestyle six years ago. Odell Cannon Beckham Jr. was my man's government name and no one else but me knew of it. Not even Mehgan's nosy ass knew.

"Uh... so do you like the ring? I picked it up four years ago but every year I let them add another karat to it. I think it's at 12 now." My jaw dropped a little. "You don't always have to ball out on me like this, babe..." I walked into his arms, still drooling over the huge diamond. "But yes, I love it. It's so gorgeous."

"Ya'll got something in common then. Let's get out of this room, though. The scent of all these new bags is making my nose itch." He pecked my forehead but I pulled him back by his beard, and pressed my lips to his. "I'll forgive your doings under one condition."

"What's that?"

"Set up a meeting with me and Ms. Zaria." His eyes enlarged and he began stuttering. "If the next words to come out of your mouth aren't 'yes, Angie', then you can take this ring–"

"Anything you want. I'll do it right now."

My Gucci bag rested on my lap as I awaited her arrival. It's not that she was late or anything, I was just a couple of minutes early for the reservation. I thanked the waitress after she refilled my cup with ice water. It only took a ten minute conversation with the bitch for Cannon to convince her to meet with me today. It's like she was awaiting the phone call or sumn because she agreed with ease.

Thirsty ho.

I was texting Mehgan when I heard someone clear their throat. Looking up from my phone, my eyes almost fell out once I seen the beauty standing before me. "Hi... I'm Zaria." I looked from her extended hand and back up to her face. Cannon sure does like 'em pretty. "Have a seat." Still not accepting her handshake, I crossed my arms over my chest. My eyes followed her every move and I couldn't help but chuckle once I seen the identical Gucci bag on her shoulder.

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