Chapter 1

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I ride up the road on my black BMX bike. When I come up upon the library I hide my bike in the bushes on the side. I then sneak around to the back. I get my laptop out of my black messenger bag and start it up. I then pull two wires out of the main Internet connection to the library allowing my to access the library's computer system. I use the system to hack into the Portland, Maine Police Department. I would come up to the library every day when the sun is shining. I use the library's computer system to make sure that the police well not be able to track the hacking back to my computer. Also the library is all the way across town from were I live.

Ever sense I walked out of the hospital after thepolice said that I couldn't help with the investigation, and that they were going to ship me off. They have been on the look out for me. And because of that I had to change my identity. I am now known as Nova Wren. I like skate boarding, riding my bi listening to music, and going around town. Also I have Black hair, I mostly wear black skinny jeans, black heel-less boots, white tank top, black leather 2/4 sleeve jacket, my black fingerless gloves that almost go up to my elbow, my little black brace that I wear on my left upper arm with diamond cut outs,and my hair in a high pony tail. I wear this so I'm always ready to fight if I ever run into trouble.

After I hack into the police station I look up the files for my family and see if there is any new information. But sadly there isn't. It is almost 3 o'clock before I shut down. When I do I put everything up, grab my bike, and head twoard the edge of town.

After I get through with my daily business I go up to the woods near the edge of town. Up the hill at the edge of town we have a little extreme skate park that is only known to a few. As I ride up the hill I come to the cross path. The cross path is the main way to each path there are three pathways. One is for getting up to the park the other two are skill level paths. The secind on is mostly for everyone we named it "Crusin For a Brusin" it is ready, but if you mess up you will get some brusin. The last path is for experts which most people here are. But the last person that went on that path never came back so we avoid it. Before I can cross the cross path the people from the park come flying by going down the second pathway. When if get to the skate park three of Nova's friends are standing in the middle talking. I have four friends and they all are older and they all ride here.

There Is Leo, Carlos, Jay, and Cara. Leo is African-American and he is 17, Carlos has dark black hair and is also 17, Jay has long brown hair and is 16, and Cara has long dark brown hair and she is 15. Before I became Nova they were already friends a long time before I met them.

"Hey!" Yelled Carlos as I ride my bike over top them.
"What's up?" I ask
"Nothing waiting for Jay to get back from racing the Adam twins." Leo answered.
"He was the one racing them?" I ask
"Yep it's Jay just being...well jay." Cara answered
"That sounds about right." I say

Leo was about to say something but was interrupted by a yelling coming from behind him. When we looked around we see Jay commuting into the park with the Adam twins behind him with unhappy faces.

"I guess he won?" Said Cara

"Yep" me and Carlos said together.

When Jay enters our little circle he rest on his bike and smiled when he realized that I was sitting there.

"Hey Nova when did you get here" Jay asked
"When you and the twins rode past me like maniacs." I said
"Oops... sorry."
"Yeah sure."
"Ugh." Carlos said
"What?" I asked
"The Arvada boys . They are new here and they think that they are the better than every one else." Cara answered

When I looked next to the ramp I see 2 boys standing beside their bike's cheering for another boy that was on the obstacle ramp. He could jump over all the wooden planks that were 5 feet off the ground. He didn't do anything else but just speed through and ran up the ramp and did a 360 turn and went over to the 2 other boys. Then the guy that was just on the ramp looks at me stares for only two seconds then continues to talk to his friends.

We all still look over at the group until Leo turns his head and look directly at me.

"Hey Nova, why don't you go and show what you got?" Leo said
"No, I..."

Before I can finnish Leo interrupts me.

"They have seen the rest of use do it put not you so you need to show them that their thoughts were wrong."

"Yeah!" Cara said with excitement

"I don't know..."
"COME ON!" Leo screamed.

And at that time the three boys looked over at use and the guy that was on the ramp looked at me in the eye's with a blank face.While his friends gave l little smirks and laughs like we were a joke. I broke eye contact looked down pulling out my phone looking at the time it was 5:30 and I needed to be home by 6:00 it takes 5 minutes to get down the hill to the road, 20-30 minutes to get home and the to do the ramp would take only about 2 minutes, pluse a minute to get away from my friends. I looked up to see everybody in the park staring at me. I sighed and gave a node. All my friends gave a smile. I handed Cara my phone kick up my kick stand and went over to the ramp. Everyone's eyes followed as I went over getting ready to take off up the ramp.

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