Chapter 15

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  I woke up in my bed wrapped in bandages I sat for a minute to think about what happened last night. Then all at once it all came back to me. I hopped up and quickly got dressed in a red and black plaid button up shirt, black skinny jeans, black boots,  and black fingerless gloves. I through my hair up in a ponytail than ran out the door. I got on my bike and headed to Matt's house. When I got to his house I knocked on the door and a woman with dark brown hair, and green eyes answered the door.

"Hi, can I help you with something sweaty?" The woman asked.
"Oh yes, I'm here to see Matt." I say to the woman.
"Oh yes on second. Matt you have a visitor." She screamed in the house. Then turned back to me." I don't think we have met my I'm Rose Matt's mom, and may I ask who are you?"

"Nova, I live down the street." I say to Rose.

"Oh Nova yes Matt has talked about you. I'm so happy to meet you." Rose said giving me a big smile. "We were just about to have breakfast would you like to join use?"

"I wouldn't want to intrude."

"Oh no sweety you are more than welcome, come on in." Rose motioned for me to go in the house.

When you walk in the house there is a small hallway that opens to the their living room and the stairs.

"Mom who's here?" A  voice coming from the stairs.

Rose moved back a little putting me in Matt's view. He froze for a minute.

"Nova, I didn't know you were coming over." Matt said while walking down the rest of the stairs.

"I didn't either until I now." I said giving him a smile.
"Well why don't we go eat breakfast is ready."Rose said waking thought a door.

I followed with Matt behind me. When you go through the door there is a big kitchen with a dining room. In the dining room sat a man in a police uniform reading the news paper.

"Robert we have a guest." Rose said. The man than looked up and saw me, he folded up the paper and placed it on table.

"Oh I didn't know we were having guest." Robert said.

"I kind of just showed up, and I'm sorry for just showing up without warning."

"It's fine we love guest." Robert said.

"Especially friends of Matt's."Rose said

 Rose walked over to the table setting a plate of pankcakes down. Rose the went sround and sat down next to Robert. Matt put his hand on my back and lead me to the seat that was across from Rose. 

"So Nova you said you lived down the street?" Rose asked
"Yes at 407"
"You are Evie's adopted daughter?" Robert asked
"Yes" I gave him a questioning look.
"Oh sorry Ashton is my partner and he always takes about you. "

I looked at him surprised.

"Nova would you mind tellingbme what happened yesterday?" Robert asked

I looked at him confused.

"Nova where did you get those cuts?" Rose asked

Then I remembered.

"Oh yeah well..." i looked over at Matt he looked at me with concern. "Well I was just downtown walking around when I decided to cut through an ally way. Next thing I know a group of guys started chasing me, I came to a dead end and the just beat me. They didn't ask for anything just hit me." I looked at Matt I saw his eyes linger down my arm were there was a bruise from were I fell yesterday day." After they left I tried calling the station but no one answered."

I looked over at Rose and Robert there eyes were filed with disbelief.

"Nova I am so sorry about that. We had a run away suspect yesterday she has been one the run for a month now, she came in yesterday about a picture and she ran off." Robert looked over at me.

"It fine they didn't steal or kidnap me so it all fine."

Rose reached over to get the syrup and when she did I noticed a bruises on her arm that looked like a hand.

"Where did you get that bruise from?" I asked Rose.
"Oh uh.. a patient was trying to leave and I was pushed and hit it on the counter." She said with a fake smile.

We continued to eat in silent until Robert finally broke the silence.

"Well we will find these people, do you know what they look like?" Robert asked
"No, it was to dark." Matt then gave me a hug. "Matt I need to talk to you." I whispered to him
"Can we go some where private?"
"Yeah" he said standing up. "Mom, dad we will be right back."

Before they could say anything we were out of the kitchen and Matt lead me up the stairs to what I assumed was his room.

"What do you need to talk about?" Matt asked.

"Listen I need your help and it is very important." I said.

"Yeah I'll help you, What is it?"

"I can't tell you here but you cant talk to anyone about it especially your parents. Are you going to be able to do that?"

"Yeah, trust me I keep a lot of secrets from them any ways." He said making me slightly laugh.

"Ok, we better get back down stairs." I motion to the door.


We walked back down the stair and as we got near the kitchen Robert and Rose came out of the kitchen.

"Oh hey kiddo's I'm off to work." Robert said as he gave Matt a hug

"bye dad I'll see you later." Matt said letting go of their hug.

"Of course, and it was amazing meeting you Nova." Robert said giving me a handshake. "Maybe one night you can join use for dinner when the whole family is here."

"I would like that very much." I told him giving them a smile.

"Well we are going to head out as well." Matt said just as Robert walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" Rose asked With her hands on her hips.

"We are going to ride our bikes and go to the library." Matt lied.

"Ok just be back in time for dinner." Rose said going to the couch and plopping down.

"I will" Matt yelled before we walked out the door. "Ok where we going?"

"Follow me" I said as we took off on our bikes

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