T.O.P oneshot: Welcome back

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name: Min Hee
looks: petite, curvy, jet black hair, brown eyes
crush: T.O.P.
other: Min Hee comes from a rich family and has known GD and T.O.P. since they were children. Her family moved to the States because of her father's work as an architect. She works in an office though she doesn't need to but dreams of being a singer/artist as well.

Min Hee was on a plane to South Korea from the United States. She hadn't been to Korea since she was a young girl. When her dad got a job in the United States she had to leave Seoul. She had to leave her childhood friends behind, two of which were GD and T.O.P of the Kpop group Big Bang. GD heard she was coming back to Korea since she finished college and now she's free to do as she pleases; she and her father had this agreement when she got into university. Min Hee sat on the plane, waiting like an impatient child. Finally, the plane landed in the Incheon airport. The pilot announced the plane had landed in the airport and everyone could get off the plane. Min Hee grabbed her suitcases from the luggage department and headed out. Her phone was ringing; it was GD so she answered. "Ah yeobuseo Jiyong ssi. You're near the 5th entrance? Okay thanks I'll be right there. Jaa~!" Min Hee said. She headed to the 5th entrance looking for her friend GD.

Min Hee spotted GD standing and walked as fast as she could with two suitcases behind her. "Jiyonnnng~!" Min Hee called out, making him look at her and smile. "Min Hee dongsaeng," GD said, a bit in awe. As soon as Min Hee was close enough to GD she let go of her luggage and hugged him tightly, surprising him a little. GD laughed a bit. "You grew into a pretty woman dongsaeng," GD said then ruffling her hair. "Thanks Jiyong ssi. I got to say I miss your mullet, but you look quite handsome," Min Hee said in return. The moment was interrupted by a tall Male, about 180 cm, with light-ish brown hair and glasses walking up to them with coffees. "Long time no see Min Hee ah," he said. His deep voice that reminded her of her childhood friend, it was unmistakable. It was her childhood friend Choi Seunghyun, the kpop rap extraordinaire otherwise known as TOP. "S-Seunghyun ssi, anyeong!" Min Hee said happily, a bit nervous as well. She used to have a childhood crush on him and he's only gotten a million times more attractive since then. "I got to keep my cool, no matter how hot he is!" Min Hee thought to herself.

"I got us some coffees, and a limo is on the way," TOP said then gesturing the try of coffees towards Min Hee and GD, they each took one and thanked him. "So how was your flight dongsaeng?" GD asked. "It was a bit long but good," Min Hee replied then taking a sip of her coffee. "It's been so long Min Hee ah, I'm glad to hear you're here to stay," TOP said kindly, making Min Hee blush slightly. "Y-yeah it has," Min Hee said shyly. "WHY CAN'T I TALK FREELY ALL OF A SUDDEN?! DAMNIT SEUNGHYUN SSI WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET SO HOT?!" Min Hee mentally screamed. "Min Hee must be jetlagged, she's usually a chatterbox," GD stated. "I'm fine guys really. I guess I'm just taking it all in. I'm just so happy to be here it took away my speech before," Min Hee said, trying to explain. "What made you come back? Not that we don't want you here, I'm just nosy," TOP asked. "W-well uh, I finished college and I realized I don't want anything to do with what I went to school for. I need a fresh start. Plus I was the happiest here so naturally I came here," Min Hee explained, leaving out some things due to embarrassment. Min Hee decided to leave out the fact that her father tried to marry her off three times and he was a bit too controlling, or that her inheritance was cut off.

"Well we're really glad you're back Min Hee. And if it's alright, we'd like to take you out with the other three Big Bang members for dinner?" GD asked. "That sounds wonderful, but what about my luggage?" Min Hee asked. "Our driver will keep it safe in the trunk; he'll bring you to your hotel later if that's okay," GD stated. "Ah that's fine, thank you guys," Min Hee said. TOP got a phone call, answered, and quickly hung up. "The limo is here, and the others are in it. So we should get going," TOP said. GD took Min Hee's luggage and put it in the limo once they got to it. They climbed into the limo and closed the door. Min Hee said "anyeong haseo," meekly, making everyone chuckle. "Guys this is Min Hee. Min Hee that's Daesung, Seungri and Taeyang," GD said, gesturing to the other three Big Bang members.

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