Chapter 17

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Team Awesome ended up winning at put-put! After we rub it in the other teams' face that we won we walked over to ride the go-carts. We were still going to be on the teams for the racing but whoever the first person to come in; the team they were on would win. We all got into our go-carts and waited till we could go. We would be going around the track three times. I looked over and saw that Liam had gotten the cart right beside me.

"You are going down little brother." I smirked at him.

"You're only five minutes older. And it will be you who will be going down." He smirked back.

"On your marks, get set," The announcer dude said, "GO!" He said and we all took off.

Once again Team Awesome won, thanks to yours truly. Liam was pissed off when I beat him. He came in just a second after me. I so rubbed it in his face. We made our way to Nandos with the winders gloating that they wouldn't have to be paying.

"So there is something I have to say." Liam announced before we got our food. We were all looking at him like he was crazy.

"What is it babe?" Dani asked him. She was awesome. She just laughed when I was rubbing it in Liam's face when I beat him.

"Simon said that we had to do an interview tour thing."

"What the hell is that?" Brandi asked.

"Um, exactly what it sounds like. A tour where we do interviews." Louis sassed. She stuck his tongue out at him.

"How long are you going to be gone?" I asked him, hoping I would get the flat alone by myself.

"WE, including you, will be gone for two months."

"What the hell? Why do I have to go?"

"There are more people who want to talk to me and you. There are also some people who want to know what's going on with you and Zayn, since you haven't made anything official. And people want to know about the upcoming tour." He said.

"Why didn't he tell us?" Zayn asked.

"He told me so I could tell everyone else since I'm the 'responsible one'."

"That's understandable." I sighed.

"When do you leave?" Lizzy asked this time.

"We're leaving tomorrow." Liam sighed.

"What the hell? You're just now telling us this?" I said.

"Sorry! I just kinda thought we should do something fun and then I would tell you."

"Guys, give him some slack. He was trying to do something fun for us." Dani defended. We all nodded then our food was brought out. I was looking around the restaurant when I saw I face I had hoped to never see again. Deegan was sitting across the room from me with a deadly smirk on his face.

"Um, guys, I think we should go." I said, gulping loudly.

"But, but we haven't even gotten our food!" Niall said. Apparently Zayn saw the same person I saw.

"I agree. We need to leave, now." He said and looked at Liam, whose eyes suddenly grew wide.

"But why-," Lizzy started to ask but I cut her off.

The Troubled Twin (Book One of The Twin Series) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now