Chapter 24

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The next morning I could smell food cooking. I could smell the wonderful aroma of bacon. I sat up and noticed that Zayn was no longer beside me. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen. Zayn was munching on a piece of bacon, Liam and Natalie were both eating waffles. Dad was stirring eggs around and Mum was fixing tea.

"Good morning sweetheart," Mum said and sat the cup of tea in front of me.

"Morning," I mumbled. Mum then walked over to Dad and nudged him. He let out a sigh and turned to face me.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry about last night. You were right about what you said and your mother and I will be there for you 100%." He said. I didn't say anything to him. I just walked over and gave him a hug, which he returned.

After we ate breakfast all of us sat around and caught up on what was going on. We also gave them a copy of the ultrasound which made Mum tear up some. We stayed there till about noon and we left to go to the train station. Liam and Natalie were taking a train back to London while Zayn and I were taking a train to Bradford.

This train ride has been oh so very fantastic. I could definitely feel the effects of being pregnant. I had to rush to the nearest bathroom at least five times. Three times were to pee and the other two times were to throw up. That's how the whole trip went. I hated it because I think the people around me thought I had a bad stomach ache. When I wasn't in the bathroom though I was cuddled up next to Zayn.

"Hey babe," I said to get his attention. I could feel his face turn down as if he was looking at the top of my head.

"Yes my love," He asked and I could feel his smirk.

"What will your parents think of me?" I asked him. Normally I wasn't afraid of what people thought of me but this was different. I would be meeting my unborn child's grandparents.

"They are going to love you. I'm sure of it." He reassured me then kissed the top of my head.

Once we got to Bradford we got our bags and got in a cab. Zayn told the driver his parent's address and we were off. The ride there probably took half an hour. We pulled up to a very nice house. We got out of the cab and the driver got our bag out. I looked at Zayn and he took our bag in one hand and my hand in his other. We walked up the little path of the steps and to the front door. Zayn knocked on the door and it was opened by a woman who looked a lot like Zayn.

"Hey Mum," He smiled at her. She looked surprised for a second but then wrapped her son in a hug.

"Oh my baby! I've missed you so much." She cried out. She hugged him for a few more minutes then pulled back.

"Please come inside so you can tell me who this lovely lady is!" She said and dragged us into the house. She led us to the living room after calling Zayn's dad and sisters down. When his sisters ran down they both jumped up on him and almost knocked him to the ground.

"Zaynie!" They both yelled. Everyone was laughing at the sight. After he got up we all went into the living area. Zayn, his sisters, and I sat on one couch and his parents sat on a loveseat.

"So guys, this is my girlfriend Megan Payne. She's Liam twin." He said and introduced me to them.

"Wait, Liam has a twin?" Zayn's mom asked.

"Yeah, we really didn't along when we were younger but we've made up." I said with a shrug.

"Well, that's nice." His parents smiled at me. I smiled back and looked up at Zayn with a raised eyebrow.

"So there is something we have to tell you." Zayn finally said after what felt like an hour of silence.

"What is it honey?" His mom asked.

"We'rehavingababy." Zayn said so fast that it was hard to understand.

"Repeat that please?"

Zayn let out a sigh, "We're having a baby." After he said that there was no sounds made.

"H-how did this happen?" Trish stuttered.

"Well, all of us went to a party about a month ago and so yeah." Zayn said. There was another long silence. Everyone was afraid to say anything. I looked over at Zayn and right then I saw Safaa pull on his sleeve.

"Zaynie, does that mean you and Megan are getting married?" She whispered to him. I acted like I didn't hear that she just asked that question so I just listened to what he responded with.

"I don't know love, we'll see." He whispered back.

"Well, that's um-," His Mom stuttered.

"Zayn, I'm a little disappointed in you to be honest. I kinda hoped that you would have been more responsible." Zayn's father said.

"I'm sorry Dad." Zayn said and dropped his head.

"But, we are very willing to help the two of you out in anyway." His mom said. Zayn lifted his head then and gave her a soft smile.

"We're going to be aunties!" Safaa and Waliyha both yelled. As soon as they both yelled that Zayn's older sister Doniya ran through the front door.

"WHAT DID I JUST HEAR?" She yelled.

"I'm having a baby." I said and she just looked at me weird.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Doni, this is my girlfriend Megan. She's Liam's twin sister."

"I didn't know Liam had a twin." She said just like everyone else I had met.

"Yeah, we really didn't get along when we were younger." I said.

"Oh yeah, I remember watching an interview you were in with them. You called yourself out as a bitch." She said.

"Doniya," Both Zayn's mother and father scolded.

"No, it's ok, I admit I was a bitch." I said. Doniya smiled at me and I smiled back.

*few hours later*

Zayn, Waliyha, Doniya, and I were sitting in their living room watching Teen Wolf. I loved this show. The-um- the plot-yeah- it's fantastic. Oh, who am I kidding. I stopped watching that show for plot after the first season. The guys in that show are some of the sexiest guys ever.

"Oh my gosh Tyler Posey is so freaking sexy." Waliyha blurted out after watching a few episodes.

"No sweetie, Colton Haynes is the sex one." Doniya said, disagreeing with her little sister.

"You both are wrong, Dylan O'Brien is the one. I would so do him." I said and suddenly felt a glare on the side of my head. I looked over and Zayn was staring at me, "I'm just kidding babe, I already have you." I said with a wink. He rolled his eyes at me but chuckled.

"Well, I think that chick that plays Allison Argent is pretty hot." He said and I nudged him in his ribs. He leant over and pressed a kiss to the side of my head, "I love you though." He said and made a blush grow on my face.

We kept watching Teen Wolf and I eventually fell asleep dreaming about Dylan O'Brien and Zayn both having sex with me. Man these pregnancy hormones are getting to me.

Author's Note: So on the side is a very sexy gif of Obrien and there is also a video of Bilko from Nitro Circus on the side. He is so hilarious!

The Troubled Twin (Book One of The Twin Series) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now