Chapter 19

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"Alright, um, you word is dog." Harry said with a stupid smile on his face. Liam and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. On my paper I wrote the word 'bitch' for my adorable little puppy, who was staying with Becca.

"Ok, Niall, you're next." Elvis said to the Irish boy. Niall thought about what he was going to say for a few minutes.

"Um, ok, your word is going to be 'food'." He said also with a stupid grin. That boy has a crazy obsession with food. I wrote 'Niall' on the paper.

"Louis, your turn."

"Movies," Louis said with a cheeky smile. His new favorite movie now happens to be Dumb and Dumber so that's what I wrote on the paper.

"Zayn, what's your word?" Elvis asked. Zayn looked like he was talking about it for a few minutes.

"Family," He finally said. I looked at the five boys that were sitting around me and smiled as I wrote down my word.

"Alright, now let's see what you have." Elvis said, "Harry's word was dog. What did you two write down?" Elvis asked. I held up my paper and Liam held up his. They both had the word bitch written on them; on Liam's though he censored some of the letters out. I laughed at his.

"Why did you two write this word? And by the way to the listeners they wrote a word that rhymes with witch."

"That's the name of my dog." I smiled and Elvis laughed.

"Now, Niall's word was food. What did the two of you write?" He asked. I held up my paper and Liam held up his. Mine had Niall's name on it and Liam's had the word Nandos on it. Well, we didn't pass that one.

"Alright, Megan wrote 'Niall' and Liam wrote 'Nandos'. So they missed one."

"WAIT!" Louis shouted, which was really loud in the headphone, "Niall's favorite food is Nandos so they were thinking along the same line!"

"He's gotta point. We will give them that." Elvis said, "Now Louis' word was movies. Hold up your papers." He said and he did. Mine had 'Dumb and Dumber' written on it and Liam's had Toy Story written on his.

"Once again they have titles of movies written out. They were on the same track with that so they get this point." Elvis said, "Now Zayn's word was family. What did the two of you write down?" He asked and we both held up our paper. On mine I had written 'One Direction' and Liam wrote down 'the boys and Meg'. Well that was sweet. I sure hope he would count me as family!

"So what's the verdict Elvis?" Louis asked.

"I think these two may have twin telepathy." He said. After a few more minutes we had to leave. Liam was able to talk to Natalie, the intern, and also got her phone number. I think Liam worked his adorable Payne magic on her. After that we left for our hotel. I was so exhausted I just wanted to lie in bed. I ended up falling asleep in the van so Zayn carried me back to our room. He laid me on the bed and covered me up then said he was going to go talk to Liam for a little bit. I muttered some incoherent words and fell asleep once again.

*Zayn's POV*

I made sure Meg was completely asleep before I went down the hall to Liam's room. It only took her a minute to do so. I turned off the light as I felt. When I made it to Liam and Niall's room I knocked on the door. Liam pulled the door open and had a confused look on his face.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you something." I said and rubbed my hands over my face.

The Troubled Twin (Book One of The Twin Series) (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now