chapter 8

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"And... the poison was... positively flowing, right out of it's mouth... And it had blonde hair and-" Buffy put her hands up, stopping Giles from continuing his description. "Hold up, right there. Hair?" Giles wrinkled his brow, trying to remember the details. He took of his glasses and started to clean them."Yes, he had a strangely neat head of hair,for a monster, rather like, um, Spike's."

Buffy , in broad daylight, kicked down the door to Spike's crypt and stormed in, taking giant step "Hello, Goldilocks. I knew it would be time for a visit soon...What is it this time?" Spike sighed. Buffy pulled out a stake and grabbed Spike by the top of his black shirt (at least he had clothes on this time). "So you're the monster,are you?" Spike sputtered indignantly. "What? Pfft- get off- what are you talking about- oh, come on!"

"So, you're the monster? I didn't think you would be able to do it, what with this chip in your head." Spike looked at her with confusion. "What are you on about?" Buffy let go of the seemingly unknowing vampire, who started massaging his neck. "What was that all about?" Buffy looked over him suspiciously. "You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?" Spike smirked. "Took you long enough to figure that out." Buffy was more  confused by the second. "But why did the monster have blonde hair? And why didn't you have any clothes on?" Spike looked at his feet, slightly embarrassed. "The thing is, um, I was playing kitten poker... and I was caught chea- I mean, taking advantage of the local resources... which is, for some reason, a bad thing... and they threw me out, and stole my clothes for punishment... then something attacked me, but the thing is, I think I...forgot." he gave up trying to act cool and sighed. "Look,I went to the magic box,coz I was feeling a bit funny, there you were, and I remembered..." Buffy ran out of the door.

"Giles, it isn't him." Buffy was sat down on Giles' sofa and he looked up from his book. "Are you sure? I, mean, what's to say he's lying, making excuses-" Buffy shook her head. "No. He was telling the truth. I could tell," she said, getting up. "I'm going back to the magic box." Buffy started striding toward the door. "But Buffy-" The door closed behind her. He sighed and took off his glasses to clean them.

Dawn looked bored. She opened her diary on top of the book she was 'reading' and pretended to take notes. ' new case. Buffy is talking to Giles- something attacked him and they think it's Spike. No one has asked my opinion though. No one ever asks little Dawnie's opinion.The others are researching and I'm meant to be too. Buffy just came in- I'd better see what she wants.' Dawn closed her diary and went back to pretending to read. "Well, one thing's for sure- it's not him." Buffy walked to the research table were the others were. Anya looked up at her. "Okay. More ideas people, we need more ideas. Again, I suggest Brian-" Xander cut her off. "Look Buffy, whatever he says, he's probably lying. Evil, remember?" Buffy  shook her head. "I've already said this all to Giles and I don't want to have to repeat it: it's definitely not him!!!"

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