Long Way Home - Chapter 1

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Mia's P.O.V
"I'm leaving, come on Mia. Pack your bags let's go." My dad shouts up the stairs. I carefully remove all my posters from my walls and pack all my clothes, which mainly consists of black band shirts and skinny jeans. I grab all my notebooks, my ipad, ipod, phone and bracelets and shove them into a bag.
"Ready dad." I shout as I run down the stairs with everything.
"Right, we're leaving. Come on Mia and Rosie." My dad slams the door behind us. I know there has been something between mum and dad since the big party a month ago. I think mum's been seeing someone else who she used to work with.
"Where are we going?" My 12 year old sister, Rosie asks.
"Australia." My dad answers as he closes the car doors and starts driving.
"That's a long way from home." I say as I plug my earphones in my iPod.
"I know but you'll get used to it. We're staying in a hotel tonight then the plane is 5 am tomorrow morning." My dad says. He's very reassuring and gentle, that's why I chose to go with him. Our 15 year old brother, Jack, is staying with mum back in London. Yes, I'm the oldest, I'm 17. It's weird being the oldest because everyone annoys you. Dad pulls up at McDonald's drive through.
"What do you want girls?" My dad asks us.
"Chicken nugget happy meal with a banana milkshake." Rosie says.
"5 chicken selects meal with diet coke please," I say. We drive to the next window and dad pays then we collect our meals. I plug my earphones back in and tuck into my food.

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