Just Saying - Chapter 2

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Rosie's P.O.V
I never wanted to leave the UK for good, but I guess the time has come when we have to. Mum was acting really strange though, I knew something was wrong. It didn't surprise me when dad told her we were leaving because dad told me to pack my things a month before.
"Get some sleep now girls," dad said turning off the hotel room lights.

Today is the day. I woke up at 3 and we're now in the car going to the airport for our flight. I sit I between Mia and dad on the flight. Mia holds my hand the whole of take off because she knows about my fear of flying. She can be really mean sometimes but most of the time she is really caring and gentle, just like dad.

When I step out the plane door I am hit by really warm air. I can tell I'm gonna have to get used to the heat here. We are greeted by my aunt, Emma who lives here because we're staying with until we get a house. She welcomes us each with a hug and she leads us to her car and we all get in. It's only a short ride to her house and on the journey she tells us how to handle with the heat and everything we need to know.

When we get to her house, she opens the door and a beautiful beagle puppy jumps up at me.
"This is Bella," Emma says as I pick the puppy up.
"She's so cute, when did you get her?" Mia asks.
"A few weeks ago, she's only 10 weeks old." Emma replies closing the door.
"You two are sharing a room. Is that okay?" Emma asks.
"Yeah." Mia sighs causing dad to laugh.
"As long as we can listen to All Time Low." She says and I nod in agreement.
"They're okay, Just saying" I reply.

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