I'm Alright Though - Chapter 6

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Mia's P.O.V
"I'm home dad." I say as I walk into our house.
"What the hell happened?" My dad says scanning me face.
"I got in a fight. But I made new friends." I say trying to calm him down.
"Why did you get in a fight?"
"Some girl called me a slutty emo and told me to go cut myself." My dad hugs me.
"She's the slut honey," my dad is literally the best. I go up to my room and check my phone.
1 new text from Luke
Luke: Do you wanna meet up on the beach tonight? :)
Mia: yeah sure. What time? :-)
Luke: 5ish :)
Mia: okay. Will Ash and the boys be there as well?
Luke: Yeah.
Mia: See you soon :-)
I put a bikini on and my black dress on over the top. I find my flip flops from the bottom of my bag and slip them on. I go down and eat my dinner.
"Dad?" I start.
"Yeah," he says.
"I'm going to the beach at 5 is that okay with you?" I ask.
"Yeah. As long as you're back by 10." He answers. See, my dad's the best.
"Okay." I say getting ready to leave as it's 10 to.
"Where are you going?" Rosie asks as I walk past the living room.
"The beach. Wanna come?" I say.
"Yeah. I'll just ask dad." She runs into the dining room and asks dad. Then she comes back to me.
"He said yeah but be back by 10."
"Come on then." We run down the path to the beach. I run over to Luke and the guys.
"OMG IT'S 5SOS!!!" Rosie screams.
"Yeah. They're my friends." I say trying to control her.
"Wanna go surfing? We have a spare board!" Ashton says handing me a surf board.
"I've never surfed before," I tell him.
"I'll teach you," he winked taking my hand and pulling me to the tide. He holds the board as I stand on it. He gently rocks the board to get me used to it moving. He shows me how to catch a wave and surf properly.
"Wow, you're good for a beginner!" He shouts across to me just as I catch another wave.
"Yes, I'm alright though." I shout back. I look to the beach and see Calum and Luke making sand castles and Mikey and Rosie are smashing them. I can hear them screaming at Rosie and Mike.
"Let's join them." Ashton says taking my hand.
"You're cute!" I say making Ash blush.
"You're cuter." He says splashing water at me.
"No way," we have a full on water fight. He grabs my waist and leans his face closer to mine. I can feel his warm breath on my face. Suddenly his lips brush mine. We kiss for a few minutes before a wave knocks us down. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to where the others are.

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