Chapter 2: Rejected

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I reach out and smack the off button on my clock before waking up and looking at the time I see that it is 5:30 a.m. Climbing out of bed if you can call it that, it's actually a twin sized mattress that lays on the floor and nothing else. I have one pillow and a blanket that doesn't even fully cover me. I jump in the shower for my five minutes since that's all I'm allowed before getting dressed. I make my way upstairs from my room in the basement yup that's right the basement. I quickly get to my chores and begin preparing breakfast. Looking at the clock I see its 7:17, the pack will start waking soon so I hurry to make plates and set the table before rushing down to my room. As soon as I shut my door I hear the footsteps of the pack making there way to the kitchen. I change from my work clothes to a pair of jeans and a white shirt before pulling my hair into a ponytail.
"Aren't you forgetting something" star my wolf says.
"Not that I know of" I reply back
"Does the word birthday mean anything to you" she snaps before going back to being quiet.
Normally we don't get our wolves until were 15 or have met our mate but I got mine when I was eight. I can't remember what we look like because I haven't shifted but that one time and Star says its not the right time. Nobody knows of this and Star taught me to hide my scent so to them I'm just human. For some reason she has been quiet today.
Today's my 15th birthday how could I have forgotten. Just as I go to search for something nice to wear I here a bang on the basement door.
"Hey stupid bitch you have to get the house ready for Damien's party" I hear my brother yell. Damien is our future Alpha, he just turned 17. Another fucking party he just had his birthday party the other night. It's my birthday today no happy birthday no anything. My rant gets interrupted when I hear my door slam open causing me to jump and spin around to see my brother stalking towards me with a glare. I cower back until I hit the wall and immediately direct my eyes to the floor because I'm not allowed to look any of the pack members in the eye.
"Are you as deaf as you are stupid, I expect a response when I speak to you" He screams at me.
"S-s-sorry b-beta s-sir" I stutter out earning a slap so hard it sends me flying to the ground. I look up holding my cheek while tears stream down my face.
"Fucking pathetic, get up and you better have the house ready when we get back" I nod quickly and watch as he leaves slamming the door. As soon as I hear the front door open and footsteps followed by the door slamming closed I quickly scramble up. After making sure no one is home I rush upstairs and get to work. I'm not sure how long I've been at it but I know I'm tired just as I'm almost finished I hear the front door open followed by the pack and I immediately stiffen.
"She actually did good" one of the pack members says followed by a few more comments. I rush to finish so I can make it to my room before I'm noticed. Star is going into a frenzy and I don't know why that is until I take a breathe and smell a delicious smell forest, rain and a musky scent.
"Mate must find mate" Star says.
I look around nervously before my eyes land on him, traveling my eyes from the bottom up until they meet the eye's of my mate. I watch as his eyes flash from love and happiness to a look I don't even want to describe and my eyes widen realizing my mate is the future Alpha and my biggest bully. I quickly avert my gaze causing Star to protest. I rush over to the door leading to the basement trying to get to my room before he approaches me.
"What are you doing, go to mate" Star says angrily.
"Are you nuts he's been my bully for the past 9 years. Did you see his face when he realized it was me he hates us" I say
"Nonsense he loves us, he's our mate. We'll forgive him for what he has done and we'll be together" she says. I'm so distracted arguing with my wolf I didn't realize Damien had approached me until I feel his breathe on my ear.
"Don't say a word, go to your room and meet me at the lake by the cliff at midnight mate" he whispers spitting out the word mate with such distaste it causes my wolf to whimper. I nod quickly and hurry to my room before he can see my tears fall.
"He's going to reject us Star I can feel it" I say
"No, maybe he just doesn't want anyone to know yet, that's why he wants to meet later tonight" she says.
I wait patiently until its close to midnight before sneaking out so no one see's me and make my way to the meeting spot. If only I knew how true my earlier statement was.

Rejected... Now I'm BackWhere stories live. Discover now