Breakfast pt 2

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Josh pov

We ate breakfast about six hours ago and right now we in the theatre room watching the haves and have nots season.... and my queen been sorta distant I have no Idea what I did but I'm going to figure it out after I talk to jason maybe he know what i did.

Josh - hay jason can I talk to you for a minute?

I asked as I scratched my head ......he scratched his head to and responded....

Jas- yeah man I was just about to say that.

We walked into the kitchen leaving the girls I'm the basement.

Josh - yo bro you knows why Kayla is being distant this morning?

Jas- naw man I was gone ask you the same about michelle did we do something they didn't like?

Josh - not that i know of ......

We told each other about everythig that happened this morning between us and the wife...then we thought about....... five minutes of thinking it came to me. ..

Josh- damn we both ended the call the same

Jas looked at me like I'm crazy. .

Jas- that can't be the reason.

Damn he acting real dumb right now ....
Josh- how did prince (ammad)always end the call with his girlfriend even after she would say I love you .....

He said and jason started to think back on every time amaad would get on the phone with his girlfriend (chelle at the time) .....

Jas- He said one all the time I remember thinking he was wrong for playing with her emotions.

Josh- and mike did the same thing especially when they made chelle and kayla say that they loved them but would only say one in response right?

Jas - damn........

Yeah now he gets it saying that must have triggered some memories and them bring the caring women they are didn't want to show us the pain they felt because they didn't want us to know they were hurting even if it was a misunderstanding.

Jas- ...and they didn't want us to know how they really felt when we said that

Josh- Yeah and now you know what I was meaning. ...

Jas- Yeah and we need to talk to them now

Bye the time he said that we were already in the theater room but the girls weren't paying attention because of all the drama ging on on the screen.
But we need to hurry this conversation up.

Josh- hay yall we need to talk to yall.

The girls jumped so hard they should all the popcorn at any other occasion I woulf have lauphed but. We need to get somethings straightened out.

As I look at the girls faces I wanted to punch something but I knew that would only cause more problems.

K &C - did we do something wrong?

Chelle - cause if we did we really didn't meant to.

Kay - we really didn't ....just please don't hurt us.

The girls said as they clutched onto each other as they started to cry .......I looked at the girls then looked at josh and I'm sure both of our faces held hatred for the niggas that made or wives like this and pure hurt that they think we could actually look at them and want to deliberately hurt them ...

Josh & Jas - don't look at us like that we would and could never hurt you two...

Jas- don't you know if we did that what Moma Tiff would do to us? Hell what we would do to ourselves.

Lets just forget about everything that just happened and watch tv.

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