Family ties continued .........

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"Chelle why is it yo......" Jason stated

******************************************************Jason aka Smoke POV

I can't figure out why she won't trust me. Her buying all this stuff at the mall proves she don't trust a nigga. I know she tryin but damn how long do a nigga got to wait. I feel bad for just walkin off but damn a nigga was heart broken I thought she was finally trustin a nigga but I guess not .

" chelle? " I have been trying to talk to her all day it's like six thirty and she still ignoring me. I think I hurt her when I turned my back on her.

I had just walked away after I found out that she spent damn near twenty - three hundred dollars at the mall.

" Jason " chelle tried to get my attention but i keep walking . She caught up to me and she tried again.

" Jason I'm sorry i... " i cut her off by walking off i just didn't understand why i cant get her to trust me enough to understand i don't want to control her .

We got in the car and went home she didn't speak the whole way to one of my many houses in Tyler .

***************ten minutes later *********

"Chelle" she wouldn't look at me she ignored me. It kind of hurt a nigga feelings. Cause damn this my wife when she hurt i hurt.

"Chelle" she still just kept ignoring me , i knew i shouldn't have ignored her. I have make it right. So i grabbed her before she made it to the stairs, i moved to fast cause i scared her she flinched away from me , so i let her go.

"Michelle please look at me " she finally looks at me . I can see how hurt and sad she is and this time I'm the cause of it this time. " I'm sorry chelle i didn't mean to hurt you . I was just hurt. " she grabbed my hand and walked me over to the living room and straddled my lap. I was surprised by her actions but i have no complaints.

" I'm sorry if i hurt you jas its just prince( amaads street name) always bought me thing to control me ; or guilt me into something ; or to apologizes for hitting me. " she said with stray tears rolled down her cheeks. I quickly kissed those away.

"Michelle I'm sorry you had to deal with that ass hat " i said trying to make her smile and it worked. " ass hat " " you feel better right? " she nodded . " but Michelle please next time just talk to me. And you gone have to stop comparing me to that nigga. " she looked down feeling bad but he cant have that not the day she meets my mom. So kissed het with all of my heart.

" baby i promise i will work hard to prove myself to you because i love you. " i said and it made her feel worse because there is this way she tilts her head to the side when shes deep in thought so i distracted her by kissing those luscious slightly swollen ass lips.

" Chelle......" she didn't answer her mind was still clouded from the kiss. " baby...." i tried again but this time she looked directly at me; then she moved and brushed her glorious well curved ass over my dick which rose to the occasion.i groaned from the friction she had caused, but michelle wanted to play with fire and strated to gind her sexy ass hips if i didnt stop her nobody would leave this house until she was pregnant with my child and theres no way in hell i would let her out my sight then.

" chelle if you dont stop you might be pregnant and carrying my Popeye the sailor mans head baby sooner that you thought." i groaned out as a grabbed her moving hips.

" okay im done im not ready for kids" she shifted uncomfortably i will find out what thats about.

" okay baby why dont you go get dressed so we can go' i told her as little as possible so i wouldnt give away that she was meeting my adoptive mother she would freak.

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