Step One- Grab Her Attention

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Chapter one

I watch her as she sits on the bench, her eyes dull and her body motionless as she stares blankly. I take this moment to look over her, she never gives anyone the time of day, not even me- Justin Bieber. I am the most popular guy in school. Not to mention that I'm also the richest. I'm friends with everybody, besides the teachers of course- because apparently I am a "rebel" and I need to behave. I'm on the football team, quarter back to be more exact. She is always at the football games, I see her poking out in the large crowds. I see her sitting behind everyone, hiding her beautiful face and pretending to not exist.

My eyes scan over her body, lining over every one of her curves and every perfectly flawless part of her body. Her hazel eyes, usually a dark brown, but they turn the brightest green at times. Right now they are a dull, almost lifeless brown, as they have been for about three weeks. Her pale pink lips, her bottom lip is slightly more plump then her top and it's is tucked under her teeth as she gnaws nervously on it. Her long dark brown hair, that usually flows over her shoulders in perfect straight strands, is in wild curls spinning down her back, like it has been.

She used to always do her makeup, black lining her eyes and different shades of colors on her eye lids, but today from about three weeks earlier, her face is natural. Dark bags hang below her red, irritated eyes and her lips are cracked and dry, making her look much older then 17. The usual glow she has on her face is completely gone, replaced with a dark shadow.

Usually every single day she wears black socks that reach her thighs, combat boots and some kind of grunge accessory. But today, she wears a pair grey sweatpants, a navy blue plain sweat shirt and black boots, her pants tucked messily into them.

Nobody tries to talk to her, she sits there almost unnoticed, if it weren't for me. I sit across the hall from her as everybody pushes past each other and rushes to their next destination.

A redhead walks over to Joelle and pokes at shoulder, Joelle stares off into space until the redhead says her name, clearly worried about her. Joelle's eyes flicker up to her and she paints a fake smile on her face. The redhead says something and Joelle nods, standing up slowly and following her to the cafeteria.

I wait until they are a few steps ahead and then stand up, walking towards the lunch room as I watch Joelle.

Her legs seem almost weak as she tries to keep a steady pace to keep up with the redheads long legs.

"Joelle, I'm worried about you. What's wrong?" The redhead speaks, turning her head slightly to look at Joelle.

Joelle pauses, staring at the ground while they take steps down the hall, "I'm okay, Elora. My car isn't working today. I didn't have time to get ready. Just really tired."

I know she is lying. She avoids Elora's, as I found out, eyes and her voice is very frail and weak as she lies through her teeth. Joelle is a good girl, as the teachers say, she doesn't lie very often. I've never heard her lie anyway, until now.

"Alright, good. Because today is Thursday and I'm taking you out tomorrow." Elora smiles at her, almost as if she is doing her a favor.

What kind of friend is she? She isn't noticing something is wrong with Joelle, her best friend? I have only said a few words to her, but even I can see something is bothering her. And I know the whole school notices it, but they don't care. But I do.

"No thanks, Elora. I'm busy tomorrow evening anyway." Joelle shakes her head, as we walk into the cafeteria.

I don't want to, but I part ways with Joelle and walk over to my table. I watch Joelle as she walks over to one of the two seated tables by the windows and sits, Elora walks into the long lunch line, but Joelle sits there alone.

"Who are you looking at?" Carter, my best friend, nudges my shoulder with his.

I blink, taking a deep breath and shake my head, trying to dissolve the thoughts of Joelle, but I simply can't. "Nothing, I'll be back."

I walk past Carter and his mates, then down the small walk way to where Joelle is seated. It will take Elora at least five minutes to come back and take her seat, I have a few minutes to try and talk to her. I hope she doesn't just brush me off and walk away like she always does.

I take a seat on the tall stool next to her, she hardly notices me until I clear my throat.

She glances up at me, but doesn't say anything, waiting for me to speak first.

I give her one of my award-winning smiles, "Hey Joelle, you alright?"

I'm never awkward, but beside her I feel my cheeks heat up and my palms sweat. How do I even start to ask her? That just sounded desperate. And I'm never desperate.

She nods, "Never better."

Joelle looks down at the table, fumbling with her fingers and biting the inside of her cheek, leaving a small crater on her face. My smile leaves my face, but I lower my head to try and connect our eyes again.

"Joe?" I ask, waiting for her to look up at me, but she doesn't.

"Joey." She corrects me, "Not Joe."

I sigh and lick my dry lips, "You don't have to lie to me. I know something is wrong."

"You don't know anything." She glares up at me, her usual soft hazel eyes a dark soul-burning brown.

I hold my hands up in surrender, "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm just saying you can trust me."

"Trust you with what, may I ask?" Her words are accusing and demanding, which is very off for her. I see her visually relax and take a deep breath, calming herself.

"Telling me why you're not talking, not eating, laughing or smiling." I answer simply, "I won't tell anybody."

She doesn't talk, but stares off into the distance. I turn to see what she is staring at. Elora is taking to Mabel, the school slut, grinning and laughing. They talk for a few moments, then Elora nods her head and follows Mabel back to her table and sits beside her.

"I hardly know you." She raises her eyebrows, "We have hardly talked before now."

"You never gave me a chance. Joe, I-" I pause, "Joey, I deserve a chance to make you feel better."

"I'm fine, so you're wasting your time." she looks away from me and out the window, I watch as the brightness of spring shine against her face, making her eyes look light brown like they usually are.

I almost groan out loud, but I hold back the urge. I'm not used to girls rejecting me and pushing me away so easily. I mean.. I guess thinking I could walk over here and she would just pour out all her thoughts, stress and feelings was stupid of me.

I look away from her, down to the ground. I realize her feet don't touch the ground, they dangle from the stools metal bars. She isn't short, but she isn't tall either, she has been this height since sixth grade, she was always the tallest, until now.

"I will talk to you later, Joe." I half smile at her as she gives me the smallest glare and reaches into her dark green one-strapped bag, digging around in it until she pulls out a very large book.

"You do that." She says, ignoring me, opening the book and pulling out an old, ripped red ribbon, which she used as a book mark.

I stand there for a second and watch as her eyes skim through the page with ease. She glances up at me and I give her a small nervous smile and then slowly walk backwards, then turn on my heal and walk back to my table. I feel her eyes watching me and I wonder if she is thinking about me as I am thinking about her.

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