Step twenty: Let Her Know How You Feel

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Chapter twenty
Wanted- Hunter Hays

"I know." She doesn't say it in a dismissive way. She really knows I love her, really believes me.

"I love you so much, Joe. You don't have to love me, you don't have to tell me... But I want you to know."

"I'm just worried," she pauses, "just scared."

"I know he hurt you, Baby Girl." I tell her, "But I didn't hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you. You need to trust me. I want you to believe in me."

"I do sort of trust you, but I've only known you for about three weeks."

She should trust me. I try so hard to make her feel safe, protected and loved when she is with me. I sit with her every day at lunch when we are at school. When she is crying, I hold her. When she is happy, I'm the one making her smile and laugh. When she is talking, I'm listening. I do love her.

I think about her everyday, when I wake up and before I go to sleep. I think of her, of how she feels about me or if she loved me back. Maybe she is just scared, just worried I don't love her. But I do.

"Have I ever lied to you?"


"Have I ever hurt you?"


I take a deep breath, "I try so hard for you, Joe. You make me want to be a better man. I have even been doing my homework and studying for tests, that's extreme, even for me." She laughs and I continue, "I have seen you every day since I knew something was wrong with you. If I was in this trying to get in your pants, I wouldn't be explaining to you that I love you instead of kissing your perfect lips."

"True." She giggles and I kiss her once, a small peck.

"Be my girlfriend, Joe. Let me show you off, let me call you Baby, Baby Girl and my Love. I want to kiss you good morning and goodnight. I want to see you everyday. I want to watch the way you read a book, with your fingers playing with your plump bottom lip. To learn more about you, take you out with me everywhere I go, just so everyone knows the most beautiful girl in the world in mine. Let me be yours, Joe."

She looks up into my eyes and nods, "I will."

I smile, taking her cheeks into my hands and kissing her. We kiss slowly, passionately and I feel her smile through the kiss. She parts from my lips, then leans back in for a more forceful kiss. Her legs are still wrapped around me as she presses her body against mine.

She takes my bottom lips between her teeth and bites gently, sliding her teeth over my lip. I grab her hipbones and pull them into my hardness, she moans.

"Justin," Her breathing is staggered. "I want to."

I lean down into her ear and kiss, "Want to what, Baby?"

"Don't make me say it," she blushes and I smile, then I realize.

"Baby..." I pull away to look down at her, "I don't know."

"You do with every other girl, why not me?" She looks up into my eyes and I kiss her once more.

"Baby Girl, I want to." I take a deep breath, "Believe me. You drive me crazy in lust. I just... I want you to be sure. You're different then other girls, I don't want to use you."

"Alright, don't use me." She slides her hands up the back of my shirt and leans towards my ear, "I'll use you."

She takes my ear lobe in between her teeth and sucks on the sensitive skin. I feel her nails glide gently down my back and goosebumps arise on my skin.

"Baby," I try to speak, but it comes out as a moan. "We can't, I don't-"

"Don't what?" She asks, raising her eye brows at me.

"I just want it to be special, different from all the other girls I've screwed around with, because you're better then them." I admit, looking down at her.

"It will be special as long as I'm with you." She kisses my cheek.

I honestly don't know what I did to deserve her. I look down at her face in the dim lighting. She seems to glow in the small living room. Never would I have thought I would tell a girl no when they wanted to have sex, especially Joe. She is so much better then all those other girls.

I want to have sex with her so bad. I watch as she traces my collarbone with her fingertips. She tilts her head back and watches her fingers dance over my skin. With every touch, she makes me shiver. I get goosebumps down my skin, which is something that has never happened to me from another person.

"You have goosenips." She rubs her palm against my chest and I laugh.

"I have what?"

"Goosenips." She blushes, the heat turning her cheeks a light pink. "Don't make fun of me."

"Never," I try to stop laughing and she pulls my head down to lay on her chest.

My body becomes tense as she holds me like this, her legs wrapped around me and her arms around my neck. She plays with my hair, soft and gentle. I've never been like this before with anyone else, but I realize I like it. I hear her heartbeat become slower and her breathing gets heavier. I notice she fell asleep and I try to stay awake to remember this, but my eyelids begin to relax and droop shut.

Hey guys, I hope you like it 😊 I have a few more chapters, but I need to see if anyone even likes it before I keep posting. And on the chapters that aren't edited, just comment nicely and I'll fix it. Thanks for reading, commenting and voting!

I love you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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