Step fiften: Change For Her

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Chapter Fifteen


I walk into study hall, the last class of the day, bored as hell. I have to do my English homework, if I fail any class I can't play football and that is not happening. I sit in the back of the class, where I usually sit and take out my notes to start reading them off and looking for answers to the questions.

It's hard to concentrate, I have a game tonight and I can't seem to think clearly. Anything without the words "punt" or "pass" I really don't want to read or think about. I'm going to ask Joe to come to my game.

"Oh my god!" A girl giggles, walking into the classroom.

"I already have three dresses picked out." Another girl says. Her voice is way to high pitched. Ever since I have gotten Joe to talk to me, I find every other vagina on this planet to be the most annoying thing.

"Girls, what is the meaning of this?" The teacher, Miss. Hockings, stands from her desk and walks over. She almost trips over the long firetruck red skirt as she walks over to door where the girls stand, who are carrying a large poster.

"Dean Miller wants us to put prom posters around, to remind students to buy tickets." The tall blonde speaks, showing Miss. Hockings the red and black poster.

"We are supposed to wear the school colors." The other tall blonde grins, nodding frantically as her short hair bounces.

"Alright, class you heard. Buy prom tickets, prom is next week." Miss. Hockings grabs the poster and hangs it up on the board.

Prom is very unmanly, right? Then why the hell and I already thinking about what Joe would wear?


I walk through the halls and past all the club tables, asking for funds, until I see the prom ticket booth.

I find my feet slowly patting their way over to the table and I sigh, pulling out my wallet and two tens. I have never went to a dance, just some parties. I have never asked a girl out to one, but I know I can do it with Joe.

"Two tickets to Prom." I throw my money onto the table and a girl with bright white hair turns to me.

"Ah," she takes the money and slips it into the metal safe box. "Never thought I would see the day when Justin Bieber goes to prom."

"Well, you'll see it now." I ignore looking at her as I take the two tickets from her hand.

"Who's the pretty lady?" She glances at me as she sits back on her stool.

"My girl." I say before walking off to my locker.

I unlock my locker and pile in all my folders, binders and books, then take out the key to my gym locker and my phone. I slip my phone and the prom tickets into my back pocket.

I feel someone smack my ass and pinch it. I turn around with my hand in a fist, to see Joe giggling and laughing at me. I start to laugh, before slamming my locker shut and motioning for her to follow me to the gym room.

"What did you slip into your pocket?" She glances at me while walking down the hall.

"Hall passes." I lie, turning down the hallway to walk into the boys gym locker. I hold it open for Joe but she shakes her head.

"I can't, it's the boys locker room. I'll get in trouble." She takes a step back.

"School is over, Baby Girl. Don't fret, nobody is in here." I let her walk past me. "And if someone is, then I'll threaten them if they try to tell someone."

She smacks my chest, "Oh God, Justin." I laugh and lead her back to my locker.


I lean against the locker beside his and cross my arms as he pulls out his large black duffle bag. He unzips it and pulls out his black and red practice jersey and sets it on the bench.

"Hey," I glance at the jersey, "Could I?.."

He looks at where my eyes lead to and smiles immediately, nodding his head. I giggle, before slipping off my sweatshirt to a white tank top, and slide it over my head.

"It's a tad to big." I laugh as I turn around to look in the full length mirror. I pull the hair tie out of my hair and tie the jersey in the back, then tuck the tail up in. "Better."

"You look cute, Baby Girl." He smiles at me and then slips off his shirt.

Wait, what? His shirt. Isn't on his body. Which means- he is shirtless. Oh my god.

I watch as his shoulder and back muscles contract and move under his smooth tattooed skin. He doesn't notice, as my eyes travel down his built, slightly haired chest and his perfectly sculpted eight pack.

I feel my lungs collapse inside of me, before I remember to breathe. He slides his game jersey over his head and unbuttons his pants.

I hold back a groan as I turn around. No way will I watch as he takes his pants off. No. Way. At. All. Not even if I'm dying to.

"Are you done stripping?" I groan, crossing my arms and stomp my feet like a child.

"Yup." He clicks his tounge. I hear the smirk in his voice, so I turn to see I was right as a small sly smirk is painted on his face.

He grabs his shoulder pads and cleats before motioning for me to follow him. I pick up my overstuffed bag and swing it over my shoulder.

"Baby girl?" He turns around, "Are you coming with me to practice or should I drop you off home?"

I smile, thinking of the way his lips form when he calls me baby girl.

"I want to come with you." I skip over to him quickly, catching up with him while he opens the door for me and we march off to football practice.


Three and a half hours later, I'm sitting up on the stand waiting for Justin to come off of the field. I watched him for over three hours, throwing the football and running. He has the best arm I've ever seen, he threw a fifty-yard pass three times. He is truly amazing at football, all the guys on the team respect him. He is the star player, the captain.

I see number seven, Justin's jersey number, walk off the field with the rest of the team to get PowerAid and water. Justin takes his helmet off and slides his jersey shirts off, leaving him in a white tank top. His hair sticks to his forehead from the sweat, I notice, as he runs over to me with a purple PowerAid in his hand.

"Whats up, Baby?" He sits on the bleacher in front of me, chugging the energy drink.

"Nothing." I smile and move down beside him, "You're really talented, Justin."

He smiles, showing off his white teeth. His smile is proud, as a slight red tints his cheeks. "Thanks... You know about football?"

I nod, "Samuel used to play, I went to all his games. Plus, my father loves football. We used to sit and watch old football films for hours."

He looks over at me, "Why don't you live with your parents anymore?"

My heart drops as I try to think of a lie. "Um, I just decided I was old enough to live on my own."

I decide saying, "Oh, my dad hates me because I'm not a boy who can play football like nobody's business, so he turns to alcohol and kicked me out." Wouldn't be exactly the best thing to tell him.

He shakes his head, running his fingers through the longer hairs on the top of his head. "You don't have to lie to me, Joe."

I almost groan out loud as I change the subject. "It's Joey."

He sighs, "I'll get you to tell me soon enough."

I give him a half smile, "You keep telling yourself that."

He stands up at starts walking to the locker room, "Don't challenge me, Baby Girl."

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