Step five: Chase Her

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Chapter five

We go over the plays one more time before calling it quits, it is already seven. We have only practiced for four and half hours, but coach gave us a brake. We have a game Monday and we have one next Friday, so he gave us an hour let off. We usually don't leave until eight thirty.

I ignore the coach as he rambles through the play, I know them all by heart.

Wyatt is the best tackler, so as always he will be one of the most important players. He isn't very built, no upper arm strength what so ever, but more leg strength. Brody is a good tackler also, more arm strength then Wyatt, but we always choose Wyatt over Brody, though Brody is more built. Carson can do some pretty good damage, but he has major anger issues so we like to keep him out of the action as most as we can. He has already put many guys into the hospital and got put in the hospital himself a few times.

The twins are both the best at running- the only thing they have in common. Somehow Evans short thin legs can carry him faster then Forest Gump himself. We always choose Evan over Levi, but Levi can do more damage, plowing past people to make the touchdown.

Nathan and Andrew are blockers, they are big mother fuckers. They take steroids, they have offers me steroids dozens of times, but I always decline. Nathan is the best blocker, being 275 pounds and buff does that to someone.

Colin is the best kicker, he has the strong legs here. He played soccer ever since he could walk, he carried the insanely good leg with him into football. He is the only person we will choose to kick.

Though Carter is a prude at times, he can be a crazy mother fucker. He catches the ball and let me tell you, he isn't afraid to dive for that ball, tackle for that ball and die for that ball. He broke his right arm twice already, but he continues to play. As long as he can punt and pass, he is okay with the pain, even though the coach thinks it's a bad idea.

The coach dismisses us and I drink the rest of my Power-Aid, dying of thirst.

I walk off of the football field for a break, all my stress is now released as sweat trickles down my face and falls onto my padded chest. I pitch my empty energy drink bottle into the garbage can, it bonces off of the edge and then goes in. I go over to the water pipes and turn it on, drinking out of it and then slashing my face.

"Hey, Justin." I hear a female voice, then a small giggle.

I turn to see a blonde with blue eyes looking at me. Two of her friends are about two yards away, one with their phone up and they both laugh. One waves to me, wiggling her fingers. I nod once at her.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm having a party at my place tonight." She winks, "If you're interested, text me. Alright?"

She slips a small piece of paper into my hand, then runs off to her friends. I wait until they are clean off of the field and away from me, to throw it in the nearest garbage can. Usually I would have flirted back, maybe kissed her cheek or tilted her head up to me by my fingers grazing her chin, but all I've been thinking about is Joe. I don't need any other girl at the moment.

I walk back to the field with all the other guys and the few crowds of girls, most of the players' girlfriends or toys to play with.

"Look," A girl whispers, "There he is."

"No, Elora, let's leave!" Joe. It's Joe's voice.

I swirl around to see Elora and Joe standing about ten feet away, behind the fence that separates the field off from the bleachers. Joe groans and stomps her foot, then starts to walk away until Elora grabs her fingers and yanks her back to her side. Elora's stare doesn't leave me, but I ignore it and only look at Joe.

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