Step Sixteen: Show Her Off

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Chapter Sixteen


I'm soaked as I we run out in the field, the last five minutes of the game. The score is tied- 28 to 28. The tigers run into their positions, their orange and white jerseys separating them from us. I feel my nerves kick in, but I here a very familiar holler from the stands as the crowd cheers us on.

"Justin!" Joe screams, "You can do it, Justin!"

I smile, proudly, even though nobody can see me. I really needed to hear that.

"Blue forty-four, set hut!" I yell, as Nathan snaps the ball back to me.

Andrew blocks me as I look for Evan to throw the ball. I pedal backwards, taking the ball in between my finger tips and throwing a perfect spiral into Evans thin arms.

He is at the twenty-eighth yard line, so as he runs twelve yards, Wyatt and Carson do serious damage to the Tigers. He makes it to the touch down, throwing the ball onto the ground and flexing his biceps, showing the muscles he wished he had. I laugh, shaking my head as the buzzers goes off signaling the two minute warning and the crowd goes crazy.

"Good game!" Carter chest bumps me, "That throw was pretty awesome, dude."

I smack his helmet as I feel the inside of my helmet get wet as droplets of rain slide their way onto my hair. We get into position again.

A minute later, after I throw the ball again, Carter ends up catching the ball. We get another touchdown, the crowd goes crazy.

My team all cheer and holler, clapping and complimenting some players as we make our way off of the field. I tear my helmet off and grin up at the crowd as the rain soaks my hair, washing all the sweat off of me and cooling down my body. Joe runs down off the bleachers, laughing as he excuses herself past the families, friends and fans on the old metal bleachers.

I hold my arms open to her as he throws herself off of the seats, into my embrace. I laugh, cuddling my nose into her hair and breathing in her vanilla scent. She squeezes me, her arms wrapped around my neck as I spin her around.

"You did so good." She praises me, "I'm proud of you."

I take in the compliments, smiling at her. I love when people praise me, though I get it a lot, it never comes from the person I really want it to. But when Joe says it, I can't help but allow the shit-eating grin to take over my face.

"Man," Carter pats my shoulder, "We are going out to the Pizza Shack, you going?"

"As long as I can take my prized-possession." I wrap my arm around Joe's waist and look down at her. Her face flushes, expect for the pink apples on her cheeks.

"You can take the game football, I won't force you to give it to me." He laughs, throwing it over at me. I always take the game football, I have dozens of football at home since we used a different ball every game, but this time, I toss it back to him.

"You can take it, I have enough footballs in my house." I pull Joe to my side, "And I meant Joe."

His eyebrows shoot up, "Oh, wow, alright. Thanks, bro." He still has the surprised look on his face as Wyatt, Carson and Brody make their way over to me. "Sure, we are all taking a few people."


Around ten minutes later, I pull into the Pizza Shack with Joe in my car's passenger seat. The whole ride, I couldn't help but look over at her. She is still wearing my jersey and my number seven is write on her right cheek.

We get out and make our way to the building, all of us pile in. Brody, Wyatt, Carson, Carter, Colin, Nathan, Andrew, Levi, Evan, and I make our way back to the booth tables. Joe smiles and talks to Colin's latest fling, Maria. The teams girls walk over with us, Violet, Alice, Sydney, Chloe, Vivian, Kayla, Cora and Julia follow us, behind Joe and Maria.

With around thirty people here, the owner, John, grins at us excitedly and takes us pack to room that's usual used for birthday party's or events. We all take seats, around four or five people at a table.

Joe and I take a seat at one of the booths in the back, Carter and his girlfriend, Sydney, take a seat in front of us. We all order large sized pizzas; seven cheeses, six pepperonis, three supremes and five meat lovers. We usually order more, but half of the team didn't show up.

"So, I hear your Joe." Sydney grins and throws her hand across the table at Joe, shaking it warmly. "I'm Sydney."

Joe says a quiet hello and cuddles herself into my side. I can't help, but wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer. All the guys are here, they know she is mine as I glare at ever penis who gets close to her. I'm proud to show her off, she is obviously the prettiest, smartest, nicest- overall the best girl here.

"How long have you guys been together?" Sydney smiles at us as two pizzas and four plates get set on the table quickly. We grab our food, setting it on our plates.

I say "Awhile" as Joe shakes her head, "We aren't." Sydney laughs and Carter nudges her as the hold hands.

"Joe is falling for Justin, but won't admit it." He informs her and we all laugh, expect Joe who rolls her eyes playfully.

"Hardy har har." She jokes, Carter laugh across the table.

"Oh, Sydney, I have prom tickets for us." Carter pulls out two white and red slips from the pocket in his shirt. "It's next Friday."

"Ohhhh!" Sydney squeals, "I'm going to go shopping for a dress with Violet and Cora."

Joe ignores the conversation, obviously a little hurt she can't go. I try to think of conversation to pull Joe into this.

"Prom is alright, isn't it Joe?" I turn to her and she shrugs, trying too hide the upset look on her face with a careless one.

I playfully take the two tickets out of my pocket and purse my lips as I fiddle with the pieces of paper in my hands. Carter's eyes widen at the tickets in my hands.

I sigh dramatically, "I bought two tickets, but sense Joe doesn't like prom-"

"No!" Joe cuts me off, trying to grab a ticket from me. "I mean... I'll go if you want me to."

Carter, Sydney and I laugh as she greedily takes the slip into her pocket.

"Don't expect much, though. I'm going in sweatpants." She warns me and I shrug. I think she looks gorgeous in anything.

"No!" Sydney groans teasingly, "I'll do your hair and makeup. And you can come with Cora, Violet and I when we go shopping. You must dress up!"

Joe bites the inside of her cheek, as if she is making a life changing decision. "I don't know..."

"I promise, it will be great," She nods frantically, "and my aunt is doing a photo shoot for Carter and I's prom pictures. You and Justin should come."

I'm not much for pictures, but I'll do anything for Joe.

"Are you sure?" Joe purses her lips, "I don't want to intrude."

Now that I think about it, having a bunch of professional pictures of Joe and I to show everyone and hang around my house would be a good idea.

"I'll pay for it." I offer and Joe eyes me up.

"My aunt won't cost you, she wouldn't except anything you try to give her." Sydney grins, as she pulls out her phone. "Joe, do you have a number I can reach you at?"

Joe nods and tells her the number I constantly text and call.

"Great," Sydney puts her phone away, "You're going to look amazing."

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