Step Eighteen: Capture Her

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Chapter Eighteen

She looks flawless.

The way her creamy white skin pokes out underneath the almost see-through fabric. The way the large V-neck neckline shows her perfect breasts, almost spilling out of the red cloth. The way her hair is twirled up into a braid, with curls around her face. It makes me crazy in lust, possession and passion.

I watch as she gives me a wide smile, striding towards me with the look of excite on her face. Her eyes travel down my body and I instantly feel awkward. I didn't know how to dress, so I threw on a simple white button up shirt and black dress pants. I put a black jacket over the almost see-through shirt and decided to call it a day. My dirty blonde hair is gelled up, like always.

"You look beautiful, Baby Girl." I take her hips into my hands and kiss her forehead, my eyes closed. I hear the snap of a camera and turn to see Olivia, Sydney's aunt, standing with a large black camera in her hands.

Olivia grins sheepishly, "Sorry, it was a picture perfect moment."

Joe giggles before cuddling herself further into my chest, "What pictures are we taking?"

"I have a few ideas, I will have them all printed tomorrow to give to all of you." Olivia grins, "Now all of you guys get together, I need pictures!"


About fifty minutes later, Sydney and Carter's pictures are finished- as are Violet and Andrew's, along with Julia and Carson's. It is Joe and I's turn, so we step up onto the white balcony, surrounded with grape vines and flowers.

We go through different poses. First, Joe and I face each other, her hands on my chest and me smiling down at her. The next, Joe is sitting up on the railing of the balcony and I am holding her hands, her looking up at me excitedly.

After that, she wraps Christmas lights around us, Joe pressed tightly to my chest, cuddling her head into the crook of my neck and my arms wrapped around her with my chin on top of her head. Then, we both hold a candy cane, our arms stretched out to the side of us, in the shape of a heart.

This is overall my favorite picture, our heads and shoulders in the middle of the heart shaped candy cane we are holding. Olivia showed us two of the pictures, she said the rest are to perfect to not see in person. She knows we aren't together, but she is set on us getting married and having twenty children.

We take a few more pictures, my arms wrapped around Joe's waist and me lifting Joe into the air, then we drive off to the prom.


As we walk into the dance, an hour late, we see three dozen couples dancing and another dozen sitting at the tables drinking punch and eating the few snacks they have set out. I can't believe I'm doing this.

I watch as a load of men's eyes snap over in Joe's direction. She is obviously the most stunning girl here, so I wrap my arm protectively around her waist and pull her closer to me. I glare at everyone, their eyes immediately dart away from mine.

I pull Joe out onto the dance floor and spin her around, before pulling her back into my chest. I keep my head low, my lips brushing across her neck ever so slightly, but I see the goosebumps arise on her skin.

"Justin?" Her voice is quiet, as we dance to the overly dramatic love song.

"Mh?" I hum, swaying back and forth carelessly with an angel in my arms.

I watch as the teachers scan their eyes around the crowd, looking for a prom king and queen. They say students shouldn't be able to vote, because they will always pick the most popular girl and boy instead of the ones who deserve it most.

"Do you ever think about the future?" She asks, timidly, "About who you'll be with or what friends you'll have left?"

"Sometimes," I answer truthfully, "Do you?"

She nods, "I always wonder if you'll still be here for me, in five, ten years, if you'll still be holding on to me."

"I'll always hold on to you, Joe. I don't think I could let you go if I tried." I let out a small laugh, "You're complicated as hell and you're stubborn as hell, but you're amazing. No matter how much you push me away or piss me off, I can't seem to let you go."

"That was the most perfect thing to tell me, Justin." She takes a deep shaky breath, "That meant so much to me."

"You mean so much to me." I whisper, my breath against her ear.

"I just don't know if I'm ready yet.." She looks down, "I want to trust you, I do, but it's hard."

"I understand, Baby Girl." I calm her as she cuddles closer to me.

"Justin?" She whispers and I hum. "I don't understand how you've gotten me all messed up."

I laugh, "What do you mean?"

"I always promised myself I would never fall in love, never get hurt like Samuel hurt me." She tightens her grip on my expensive black jacket, "but with every word you say to me, every look you give me... I find myself slowly falling for you against my will."

Excitement runs through my veins, "Fall, Joe."

"Please catch me." She whispers, "I can't stand any more broken trust, any more broken hearts."

"You won't have to, Joe, because as I fall in love with you, I realize I am beginning to love you more then I have ever loved anything."

She pulls away to look up at me. A smile makes it's way onto her face, as she looks up at me. I lean into her, our noses brushing slightly. I feel her lips brush against mine, my body explodes in nerves and I smile as I go to lean in a centimeter to kiss her.

"Attention, please!" A teacher yells into the microphone and I almost climb up on that stage to kill her. I was so close to feel Joe's lips against mine.

"We are hear to announce the prom king and queen!" She holds two crowns, a thin silver one and a diamond, probably fake, tiara. Half of the girls go running up to the stage.

"Ladies first," The teacher opens a small envelope, pulls up a card and grins, "Joelle Reed."

I look over to see Joe's eyes light up in clear surprise. Three girls, Sydney, Violet and Cora, come running over to Joe, cheering her and pushing her up to the stage. Joelle smiles shyly at the crowd, at me.

"Joelle was chosen as prom queen, for various reasons. Her beauty, not only on the outside, but on the inside. For her brains and her kindness." The teacher smiles, "Now, gentleman."

I go back and sit on a seat, by the table as I smile happily up at Joe. She deserves this so much.

"Justin Bieber."

Wait, What?

I furrow my brow, but stand up and walk up to the stage. The students cheer, mostly girls, and holler.

How am I prom king? I've gotten to school record for most OSS's, ISS's and detentions. I have horrible grades and I am definitely not kind.

"Justin was chosen for Prom King, not only for his handsomeness, but for his selflessness and attention to detail." Two teachers place crowns on top of our heads and black a "Queen" sash around Joe.

She glanced over at me with a small smirk and I watch her face light up with happiness. I will forever tenner this moment.

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