Chapter 4 princess lauren.

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Tris pov

Mom didn't told me four was coming or should I say prince tobias mason eaton wait a sec princess Lauren of slut kingdom is here.

"Welcome to our kingdom please come in" says Lucy one of our servants and maid.

"Leo " I call one of my guards.

" yes princess Beatrice" he says.

" please secure the castle " I say smiling.

" yes princess" he bows down and leaves.

"King Marcus and queen Evelyn of dauntless. king carter and queen Katie of amity please fallow me to he dining room." Says Alison one of the servants. They all nod and they head to the dining room.

" al those in favor on not taking Jacob in there" I says grinning.
Everyone raises there hands.

" hey!!" He cries.

"Okay let's go" says my father.

"Let's introduce us shall we" says my idiotic father.

" these are my kids Beatrice Elena Salvatore, camila Elena Salvatore, Luke mason Salvatore , Jacob Peter , caleb Jason Salvatore , justin Edward Salvatore ,Katherine Marie Salvatore,jasmine Nicole Salvatore, William Jason Salvatore and mason like Salvatore prince and princess of divergent kingdom" says my father pointing to each one of us in order mostly we just stand and wave when he calls us.

"Nice to meet you all" says Evelyn smiling.

" these are my children tobias mason eaton, Carlos mason eaton, Jason Edward eaton, Julie river eaton,marisa may eaton, Blake Cameron eaton,Sandra Marie eaton and Brett Marcus eaton." Says mrs. Eaton.

"And these are my kids Lauren Nora Blake, nita Blake and nick Blake " says mrs,Blake .

"Well it's an honour to meet you all"says my mother.

"Would you like more smashed potato princess Beatrice" says Lucy

" yes please and thank you" she pours some on my plate but someone trips her and some of the food falls on me.

He looks embarrassed and starts crying. " I'm s-s-so sorry princess" she cries.
I help her up " are you okay " I ask.

"Your not going to fire me" she asks wiping away tears I feel bad for her.

"Why would I fire you" I ask
" I dropped food on your dress" she says.

"No worries Daniel and Emma" I call.

" yes princess " they say in unison.

" Emma take Lucy to the infirmary and Daniel please investigate everything on who tripped her." I says sweetly.

" yes princess" they say in unison again.

" are you okay sis the potatoes were hot" says Jacob.

" yeah I'm okay I'm going to go change excuse me" I say heading up stairs.

------Tobias pov-

Tris went to change while everyone looks at Lauren.

" what?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Why would you do that to an innocent teenage girl" I ask.

"She deserves it all her attention was on her and it was suppose to be on me every one pays attention her and I'm just like a nobody." She says in a sass tone.

Princess of divergentWhere stories live. Discover now