Chapter 8 tomarrows the big day!!

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Tris pov

tomarrows the big day and its been a few days since the incident the eatons well be stay with us for a while and we haven't been to school for a days.

"tris try this" says Katherine handing me a red lollypop

"why? I already know how a lollypop taste like " I say putting the lollypop in my mouth."this tastes good what flavor is this? " i ask her with the lollypop in my mouth.

"cherry? you said you tasted one before? "she asks

" no she haven't because last time she ate a lot of starburst she bought 10 packages every week" says my annoying brother luke.

"You had to open that big mouth of yours" I say raising an eyebrow.

He just grins and I head to my room get money to get I don't know 5 boxes of those lollipops they even have gum in them I'm just going to have to hide it.

I exit out my room only to see four in his room his door is open...again.

"Sup want to go to the store with me" I ask kissing his cheeks.

"I only get a kiss in the cheek" he whines "I want this" he grabs my head and kisses me soon it turns out in to a make out session.

"That's much better now let's go" he adds on.

We head to the store super speeding only to get there for like 5 or 6 minutes.

"So what are you getting " he asks.

"Candy!!!"I squeal.

I found the lollipops and buy 5 boxes " that's a lot " he says wide eyes.

"You tell my parents and you die " I threaten

"But I don't want to die without having kids" he says smirking.

"You want a kid let's go get one then" I say grinning.

"Wait wa" he says dumb founded.

"We're having a child in a few months " I say grinning "then you an die" I add on.

"Okay I do want to but I don't want to die ...yet and wouldn't your parent get mad" he says.

"Nope cause I talked to them about this a year ago " I say grinning.

"Great then we will start in a week" he says smirking

"Don't tell my parents about me getting 5 boxes of candy and you will have your kid  " I says.

"Deal" and we head home only for me to super speed and hide the boxes of candy some were safe.

-.- I'm having a kid or kids?

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