Chapter 9 The big day/yes, yes i did.

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Tris pov.

Today's the big day and right now one of my maids are erring my dress and I hate it my mom picked it out for me and I hate it toooooo revealing for me.

"Did you like the dress that I picked for you?" Asks my mother happily.

"Yeah I like it a lot I can't wait to put it on!!" I squeal pretending to be happy.

Moment later some maids come in with a different dress and heels but the same tiara that I wore when four came.

"Mom this isn't the dress you picked?" I asked.

" I know " she says grinning.

" well it's beautiful!!" I say looking at the dress.

"You hated the other dress didn't you "she asks raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms sometimes it's scary but not today!!

" yes,yes I did" I say grinning.

Se helps me put the dress on and she also helps me with my hair for some reasons my hair is turning brownish.

I put my heels, gloves as tiara.
Then I here a knock on the door.

"Come in"yells my mother.

"Princess Beatrice I'm Angelica and I am going to be doing your makeup "she says putting a medium size case on the table.

" I'll be with Katherine doing her hair" says my mother

An the day begins.......

Sorry it's a Short chapter school started I have volleyball and I come home walking and exhausted I'll try to update soon love you all bye😘

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