chapter 13 snowing

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Tris pov

Just the thought of me being pregnant just blew my mind. Even though me and four did the dirty...oh my god its just to much pressure.

Its been a 2 months now and all of the kids have been sent to another kingdom to be safe some of the teenagers volunteered to go with so they can help out a bit.

I hate harmones, for some reasons my stomach is bigger then what I have expected to be. "Tris calm down!" Christina yelled.

I cant in 5 days im gonna be popping this baby!" I yelled.

We dont know how many babies im gonna get nor what the gender is gonna be. Its a surprise. I can be weird some times.

"Its snowing again"christina sighed.

I walked over to the window and sat down to a chair looking out the window.

November is the time of the month were we all spend the time together and have fun

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November is the time of the month were we all spend the time together and have fun.But everything had to change.
The thing is it never snowed that much in the middle of November.

I might not even fight in the war because of my babies or baby. Luke comes in with a foam cup that contains blood in it.

He hands it to me and I take it, he puts the straw in and I thanked him. Ive been drinking alot of blood latley and elena said it would help a bit for the harmones and also for the baby.

"Tris the doctor is here to check up on you!" Luke says opening the door to reveal rose.

"Hello tris, how you felling?" Rose asked coming in my room while I take a sip of the blood.

"Very good just been drinking more blood then usual!" I reply.

Luke closes the door and sits on my bed while christina is standing next to me.
"Alright have you been feelings a bit off or having any other symptoms?' The doctor asks.putting on some blue gloves.

"Nope, not at all!" I answered drinking more of the blood.

"atlright, im gonna be checking your pulse" she says taking out her handy dandy out of her bag.

She grabs my wrist and did her thing.
I'm bored right now...where is four?

It's been a few second and she release my wrist. She checks on my belly and I get cold.

"Everything's seems good" Doctor rose said putting her stuff in her bag and throwing away her gloves.

"Thank you" I said sitting down on my bed and taking the last sip of my drink. It's gone.

"If you need anything else call me okay!" Then she leaves.

"I need more!"I grin giving luke my empty cup. He takes is and heads out my room.

"Very unusual for you drinking alot of blood!" Christina says walking towards me.

"Yeah, but I just need more. It's maybe because of the baby I'm eating for two here, more like drinking!" I laugh

Christina giggles and four comes in the room with my drink. He hands me it and I of course take it.

"Hey, I gotta go for training see you later tris!" Christina said.

"Bye" I waved

She leaves and I sip on my drink again.
"Where were you?"I asked.

"I was training!" He answered sitting down with me.

"Do you think I would be able to fight?" I asked.

"Well to honest I don't know but hopefully not, because I don't want to lose you. I want you to stay here and be with our child." He replies kissing me on the head.

"Well if I can't fight then I don't want you fighting either, I want you to stay...for our child. I wouldn't stand seeing him or her heartbroken because they did have time to spent with their dad!" I cried. Harmones!!!!

"Shhh, don't cry tris. Be brave" he whispered.

"I'm try not to, but them stupid harmones are stronger!"

He laughs and does circles around my back with his fingers. It always calmed me down.
It's two more months until the fight and the we have been training so hard.

"I'm super hungry!" I groan, I finished about 7 bags of blood an dim still hungry.

"Do you want to go downstairs or do you want one of the servants to bring it up here?" He asks.

" I want to go downstairs!" I answered him.
He gets of the bed and help me get up.
I'm only wearing a maroon dress that goes 1 inch above knees and I'm wearing grey fuzzy socks. Also I have my hair in a braid.

"Do you want to wear your shoes?" Four ask raising an eyebrow.

"Ah no, trust me I'm not gonna fall!" I reply.

"I would say yes if you are not pregnant, but you are so let's put on some boots or something!" He says.

"They are right in the corner, there are leather brown!" I said pointing to the side of my wardrobe. I grab my cup and sip a little more.

He goes to grabs my boots and then comes back helping me put them on. "Okay let's go!" He says opening the door and me walking out carefully.

I forgot we have stairs, well it's good walking and going up and down the stairs.

"Tris what are you doing coming down the stairs?" Camila questions

"To get food!" I answered walking down the last step.

" How many cups have you gotten today?" She asks.

"About 7." I answered.

"And your still hungry!" She says with wide eyes.

"Yes now excuse me the food is waiting for me" I grin.

"And she still wonders why her belly is bigger the usual " four jokes.

Camila laughs " I heard that!!" I yell walking to the kitchen that is miles away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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