What was that?!

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All of the boys' POV

I guess they will be visiting some kids. But, Usagi is so cute. Even cuter than Ema. I wonder how Fuyuki-chan/san will look like. After all, she hasn't put away her sunglasses.

They left through the elevator.

3rd person POV

"Where exactly are they going?" Ukyo, being the mother of the house, asked Ema. "I honestly don't know." she replied.


The two sisters went into the orphanage. They were greeted by a smiling old lady. "seems you have came back. The children missed you guys. They cried, refuse to eat, and sulked saying 'I will only do these things wen Mama and Aunty come back!' *chukle* now I could feed them without trying to shove it down their throat." the lady said.

The crowd of children was around a the caretaker. At least 19. The sisters smiled. "Children~! look who's back!" the younger lady said. She was standing there, next to the older one. All the children turned their head, and.... started to cry walking to the girls.

"M-Mama! A-Aunty! Y-You came back!" they cried. Even the older ones. They all huddled to the girls, as they comforted them. "We missed you!" a boy no older than 4 yelled hugging Fuyuki. Another hugged Usagi. By then, they were covered in children.

-2 min later-

"🎶Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are🎶"

A voice sang. It was Usagi's adorable voice. All the children were asleep now. Literally ALL of them. They come out of the nursery room, to have the old lady smile at them. "They are finally sleeping!" she yelled.

"How do you make them sleep so fast?" the younger one asked. "Well, you see Aunty, they just fall asleep listening to our singing." Usagi said. "Just her singing." Fuyuki smiled. Still not taking off her glasses.

"Uh-oh, I got a bunch of texts from Ema, we gotta go!" Usagi yells. "She's quite right, we have to go, goodbye. Call us if any things wrong." Fuyuki says, bowing.

Fuyuki's POV

After I bowed, we left. "I miss them. Honestly, we only stayed there for 3 minutes and now we have to go back?" Usagi complained. "Of course, there's no point of leaving them there without an introduction." I said pretty calmly.

We finally reached the residence. right when we knocked, the door opened. It was Ema as Wataru. "Onii-chans!" he yelled. I saw Usagi smile, of course I did too. "Fuyu-nii-chan! You didn't take off your glasses yet!" he yelled, which made me laugh.

I took off my sunglasses, and everyone's jaw dropped. That is, everyone but me and the girls. "You guys are soo pretty! My onii-chans are beautiful! YAY! HURRAY!" he yelled, running in circles. That made me smile even more.

As we got settled in, we had a conversation. "Where'd you guys go?" Masaomi asked. That's when I heard "I'm home!" It was Yuusuke. When he saw us, he blushed. "Who are they?" he asked after composing himself.

I saw a mischievous glint in Usagi's eyes. She stood up... and hugged him. "I am your fiancé! Your mother arranged it!" she hugged him. He was surprised. "W-wait, what?!" everyone (but me) asked. That's when she burst out laughing like crazy.

"Sorry, Usagi loves to joke around." I cleared up the awkwardness between us. "We are your new sisters." we said in unison. I smiled brightly. "I am Fuyuki Hinata, or Asahina." I said. "And I, am the great Usagi Hinata slash Asahina!" she shouted.

I saw some of my new brothers. Masaomi, Ukyo, Kaname, Tsubaki, Azusa, Iori, Subaru, Yuusuke, an Wataru. Although I met them all already, I just haven't met them as a sister.

I stood up, but there was a banging pain in my head. I start to cough, luckily it wasn't that bad. I shrugged it off and asked, "Tell me quickly! where are our rooms?" Ema stood up, but Usagi fell. She was coughing like crazy, her head heating up.

Her eyes starts to close and I start coughing. I grabbed my little luggage and pulled out two little containers. They had a blue liquid inside. I open one and put the liquid into Usagi's mouth. Then I drink the blue liquid of the one I just opened.

This made my coughing stop, and Usagi is now awake, panting while sitting up.

3rd POV

'What was that!?' the boys and Ema screamed (in their head of course). Wataru was panicking and Masaomi, being a doctor, didn't know what was going on. Ukyo was worried about the girls. And so was everyone else.
A/N:What just happened?! I don't know, don't ask me. But! 🍑 Butt I said! Read the next chapter to know!!!

Wait- how many brothers?! (Brothers conflict x diabolik lovers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt