Part 6

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• Part 6 •
Harry strokes his cock making sure he gets every drop of cum, looking down at the mess he made on your stomach. He breathes heavily, smiling shyly at you. "Shit. That was amazing." He breathes out, pushing his hair back out of his face chuckling slightly. You bring your fingers down to your stomach and get some of his cum on your fingers, bringing it to your mouth. You lick your fingers clean all while looking Harry in his eyes. "It was." You say licking your lips and looking at the cum on your stomach and breasts, shaking your head. "Towel?" You ask and he nods, rushing to the bathroom to get paper towels. He grabs a few squares and comes back into the room cleaning off your belly. "Sorry about that." He apologises and chuckles, pressing a kiss on your forehead once he got you all cleaned up. "Um... I think I'll get my clothes on now." He tells you grabbing his clothes from the floor, handing you yours. "Yeah, thanks." You say and pull your clothes on too, biting your lip. "I didn't really intend for that to happen but I'm kind of glad it did. It was honestly the best sex I have ever had." Harry says to you seeing that you weren't going to say anything at the moment. "It was the best sex for me too. Honestly." You say and laugh along with Harry. "We are still just friends though right?" You ask him hoping he agreed with you. You didn't really want a relationship right now especially if that could mean loosing him as a friend somewhere along the line. "Of course. Our little secret babe." He says winking at you, sitting back on the bed and grabbing his phone to shut off the music that was still playing.
Thank god you're just friends.

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