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I wake up with Logan's arms wrapped around me and suddenly I feel nauseous. "Babe, babe let go of me!" I yell at Logan and he jolts awake. "What?" he asks pulling me closer, I shove myself out of his grasp and rush to the bathroom. I toss all of my dinner into the toilet, Food poisoning? I ask in my mind. "Are you okay honey?" Logan asks and I shake my head, thinking about what could have made me vomit. "I'll be fine." I tell him and then I get up to brush my teeth. We go down stairs to the living room and watch movies, Ainsley comes down the stairs a little while later. "Hey sis, I just had a quick question, when are you going home?" Ainsley asks me and I furrow my eyebrows at her. "I didn't tell you, I'm staying. I have nothing back in New Hampshire besides my annoying ex-husband, so I figured that I would get a fresh start here." I tell her and she grins then bounces over to me and hugs me. I get a whiff of her strong perfume, I jump up and race to the bathroom to throw up whatever is left in my stomach.

"Are you sure you are okay babe?" Logan asks from behind me once I am done throwing up. "I don't know." I tell him and I sit on the cold tile floor, leaning against the wall across from the toilet. "Do you want me to take you to the doctor or something?" He asks and I shrug in response, he picks me up bridal style then carries me out to the car. "I'm fine honestly babe, you don't have to take me to the hospital." I tell him, he pulls the car out onto the road and heads towards the hospital. "I just want to make sure that you are okay" He tells me, I lean my head against the window and close my eyes trying to not throw up again. Twenty minutes later we pull up to the hospital, we get out and walk into the ER. "Go check me in." I whisper to him and then run to the bathroom to throw up again, Why the fuck did the hospital smell make me sick? I'm a doctor, hospitals are my thing! I scream in my mind. After the nausea goes away I walk out to the waiting room where Logan is sitting on a couch, I walk over to him and sit down next to him. "Are you okay?" he asks and he pulls me into his lap, I lean into his chest and listen to his heart beat. "Yeah, did you get me signed in and everything?" I ask him, I look up at his face taking in his features, to think that I have known him since before I was born, Logan gives me a small nod. Our moms say that when my mom was late in her pregnancy with me and Ains, Logan would put his hands over where I was and would give me kisses. I don't know how they know that it was me he was doing that to but there are pictures of little ten month old Logan kissing the left side of my moms bump, which is supposedly where I was. "Brennan Hart?" A nurse in pink scrubs calls into the waiting room.

We follow her back to an exam room where she takes my weight, height, and temperature. "Alright, you have a slight fever, so this could just be the stomach flu but it could be something else." she says and I nod, Logan grabs my hand squeezing it softly. "The doctor will be in shortly." she tells me and leaves the room. I sit there staring at medical supplies going over procedures in my mind, thinking about possible causes for vomiting and raised temperature. A small knock sounds before the doctor enters the room he's carrying a urine test kit and a blood test kit, There goes getting out of here within an hour! I complain in my head. "Okay Brennan we are going to do both blood and urine tests to see whats going on." the doctor tells me then he hands the the cup and directs me to the nearest bathroom. When I enter the room again the doctor and Logan are laughing about something. "Whats so funny?" I ask and Logan gives me a smirk. "Not telling." Logan says and I scowl at him which causes him to laugh. "Okay doc one cup of pee." I tell him handing him the cup full of urine and he marks my name on it with sharpie. "Blood test time, left arm please." The doctor tells me and I lay my arm flat, then he ties the elastic around my upper arm. "Just a heads up, the left vain in that arm doesn't give so don't even try." I tell him and he chuckles before pushing the needle into my arm and drawing a test tube of blood.

"These will be back in an hour to an hour and a half, until then make yourselves at home." The doctor tells us and I lay down on the bed, not realizing how tired I was. I fall asleep after a few minutes.



I hear a knock on the door and the doctor walks in, he looks at Brennan then he points to the chart. "Brenny, the doctors back." I whisper and shake her gently, she rolls over with a small sigh her hazel eyes blinking like crazy as she tries to adjust to the lights. "Hi." she whispers and then she slowly sits up, stretching her back. "Hi Brennan, so the results came back. Good news your not sick." he tells us and Brennan gets a confused look on her face. "Then why was I throwing up?" Brennan asks grabbing my hand and squeezing it. "I don't know if this is good news or bad news, but you're pregnant." he tells us with a smile, Brennan jumps off of the bed and to the bathroom my guess is to throw up. "Oh my god." I say with a sigh and I put my head in my hands, I got Brenny pregnant! I yell in my mind. "Logan?" I hear Brennan whisper a few minutes later, I lift my head and see that she has tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" I ask her quietly and pull her into my arms. "If you don't want the baby we can go to the clinic and take care of it." she murmurs and then starts to cry into my chest, I wrap my arms around her and hold her to my chest. "Why would you think that I wouldn't want the baby?" I ask her and she looks up at me confused. "I just thought because, you had your face in your hands and I thought you were crying. So I assumed that you wouldn't want the baby." Brenny tells me, I lean down and give her a quick kiss.

"I want this baby as much as you do, I was just shocked and then worried about what my dad would think. You know how he is and then after he is done being shocked he will move onto picking on us. Which will cause them to then say how they always know that we would end up together." I ramble which causes Brennan to start laughing like crazy. "Yes but after all of that they will all be happy for us and excited to be grandparents." she tells me and then the doctor comes back into the room. "Okay you are free to go." he says, we get up and then walk back out to the waiting room. "We should go to radiology, make an ultrasound appointment." Brennan tells me and she takes my hand. "Alright, how are we going to tell the families?" I ask her, she shrugs and we head over to the hospital directory to find the radiology department. We walk around the halls of the hospital to the radiology department, I can't help but notice that Brennan looks sad when she see's the medical student group walk by us. "I need to get back to work." she says and I frown, I don't want her to be working with sick people when she is pregnant.

"If you want to work, then you can. I just don't want you to get sick and the baby to be harmed." I tell her, as much as it would bother me for her to be working while pregnant, I can't keep her from doing what she loves. "I work in N.E.I.C.U. and pediatrics, the probability of getting hurt is pretty low." She tells me as we enter the radiology clinic.


Hey guys! Yay a baby Brenny Boo and Logy Bear! What do you think? Comment, vote, tell your buddies!

Love ya!


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