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"Remember we don't tell them that its a girl just let them figure it out." I tell Logan as we pull my parents driveway, though I am talking to him I don't take my eyes off of my little girl all dressed in little blue clothes and in a little blue car seat. "Umm, why?" he asks as we get out of the car and he helps me with Lennon's carrier, she starts crying a soon as we are walking up the path so I take her out of the car seat and hold her to my chest. "It will be hilarious, trust me. We just need to get one of them to change Lennon." I mutter and Logan rings the doorbell. My mom opens the door with a huge grin on her face as she sees Lennon in my arms. "Can I hold him?" she chimes and don't respond I just walk inside to where the rest of our family waits. "Oh my gosh, guys he is so adorable." Logan's mom coos as she peers over my shoulder at Lennon. "Just like his daddy." Logan chimes and I let out an exhausted laugh. "Your not adorable Logy, your sexy." I tell him with a smirk and our family lets out a laugh. "Anywhoo, Brennan can I hold my grandson or not?" My mom asks and I nod, she doesn't hesitate to take my baby from me. I frown and then go take a seat feeling a twinge of pain in my abdomen as I move.

"So how was birth?" Ainsley asks nonchalantly and I grimace. "Extremely painful and I still hurt, never have children Ains you don't have a high enough threshold for pain. You probably would have passed out because of pain." I tell her and her face goes pale, she swallows hard gives me a terrified look. "Brenny how about we go get everyone some drinks?" Ainsley asks and she pulls me into the kitchen. "What was that all about Ains?" I demand and she looks at the floor, tears begin to fall onto her cheeks. "I'm pregnant, and Jake left me because I wouldn't abort it." she tells me as she wipes tears off of her cheeks, I pull her into a hug and she cries into my shoulder. "Everything will be okay." I murmur and I rub her back. "Are you okay Ainsley?" Our mother asks coming up behind us with Lennon no longer in her arms. "Jake broke up with her, umm where's Lennon?" I ask her and she points to where Logan asleep on the floor with Lennon on his chest fast asleep. "Awe" I coo and I pull out my phone to take a picture, then I walk over to where they are and curl up next to Logan with my head on his shoulder.
I wake up twenty minutes later to a wailing Lennon, I slowly get up and then take her off of Logan. "I got him why don't you go get comfortable in the rocking chair, I will change him." Lorena tells me taking my baby out of my arms and taking her into the nursery my mom put in my old room for when we stay with Lennon. "Where's Lennon?" Logan asks jolting awake and I laugh at him as I walk to the rocking chair in the corner of the living room. "Your mom took him to change his diaper." I tell him with a smirk and he smirks back at me. "Logan! Brennan!" We hear Lorena yell from upstairs and we rush up to the room trying to conceal our laughter. "What? Whats the matter?" I ask worriedly as we enter the room. "Why does my grandson have girl parts?" She asks and we start laughing, Lorena furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Lennon was never a boy mom, the doctor thought she was because of a spot on the screen but it ended up just being a bleep. So meet your grand daughter Lennon Faith Christiansen." Logan says and he pulls Lennon's only pair of pink pajamas out of the diaper bag and puts her in them. "Awe! Why didn't you tell us?" Lorena asks as Logan hands Lennon to me. "Brenny thought it would be a good laugh." Logan says and we walk down the stairs into the living room. "Why is my grandson wearing pink?" Timothy asks and I sit in the rocking chair with Lennon. "He is a she, they misread the ultrasound. So this is Lennon Faith Christiansen." Logan says and he brings me a blanket so that I don't flash everyone while I feed Lennon.

"Well then she is adorable" my mom coos and Logan flashes me a smirk. "What?" I ask him and he just keeps smirking. "Nothing. Well I mean I just thought maybe we could have another one." He tells me and I start laughing. "Slow way down there logy, our daughter is two days old. Maybe ask again when she's at least one." I tell him and he frowns in disappointment. "Ask what when she's one?" Timothy asks and Logan shoots him a smile. "Your son here wants another baby already." I tell him and he bursts out in laughter. "I asked his mother if we could have another one right after Zibby was born and Lorena made me sleep on the couch for a month because she didn't trust me. She clearly still doesn't trust me since there never was another one." Timothy says, I had almost forgotten about Elizabeth or Zibby as we call her, she is Logan's younger sister by two and a half years. Zibby is now a journalist in New York for some big magazine, maybe we should tell her about Lennon. "Has anyone told Zibby about Lennon or should we call her?" I ask steering the conversation away from another baby before Logan makes me think it's a good idea. "Shit, I didn't even think to tell Zibby that you were pregnant or that you were back." Logan says and then he pulls out his phone, snaps a picture of me and sends it to his sister.

Logan's POV:

Not two minutes after I send the picture to my sister does she call me. "Hey Zibs." I say answering the phone prepared to hear all of her questions. "Is that Brennan?" she asks and I let out a chuckle, I walk out of the living room and into the kitchen so that I don't seem rude and disrupt their conversations. "Yeah, she's back, and we are kinda dating." I tell her and she squeals in excitement. "How long have you been dating?" she asks and I count back in my head to our first date. "Umm nine months, one week and two days." I answer and I hear her gasp. "Wait a second! That's why the blanket is on her all weird! You guys had a baby?" she questions and I let out another chuckle. "Yeah two days ago we had a baby girl Lennon Faith Christiansen. I'm sorry we forgot to tell you ya know nine months ago." I tell her sounding proud when I talk about our little Lennon. "It's okay, though it hurts to be forgotten." Zibby murmurs and I can tell she is frowning. "Do you want to talk to Brenny?" I ask her hoping that will cheer her up. "Oh shit, sorry big bro I am running late for a meeting. I will call ya later so I can talk to Brennan. Love ya!" My younger sister says and I can hear her start to rush around muttering profanity. "Okay love you too Zibs, bye." I tell her and I hang up, I turn around and see Brenny leaning against the door frame with Lennon fast asleep in her arms.

"We should go home, I'm tired." She tells me and I take Lennon out of her arms and hold her to my chest. "Okay I will get her strapped into her car seat if you could get her bag." I tell her, we walk back into the living room where my parents are talking to her mom and sister. "We are going to head home, get some quality sleep. We will see you all soon." I say, my dad and mom both give me a hug. We head home in silence, mainly because Brenny and Lennon were both asleep. "Gotta love my girls." I murmur as I take Lennon inside and put her in her crib. "Don't worry baby girl your room will be pink in no time." I murmur as I close the door and then walk down the stairs to get Brennan out of the car. I pick her up bridal style and she cuddles into my chest with a small sigh of contentment, I walk into the house and up to our room. When I set her down she starts laughing and her eyes open, I give her a confused look. "It worked! I knew that you would carry me in if I pretended to be asleep." she laughs out and I tackle her back onto the bed, I give her a kiss. "Nope stop right there Logy bear, no more anything for a while." She tells me pressing a hand to my chest to keep me from kissing her again. "Fine. Good night Brenny boo." I murmur and pull her to my chest. "Goodnight Logan." she sighs and cuddles into me.


Hey guys! Not much to say  about this chapter so umm yeah Comment, vote, tell your buddies!

Love ya!

~Kaylynn <3

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