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Two years later Brennan's pov:

"NO MOMMY DON'T GO!" Lennon screeches and she grips onto my leg as I try to leave her kindergarten classroom. "Lennon I will be back at three to pick you up. Doesn't it look like fun to play with all of the other kids?" I ask her as I adjust Gaia on my hip, the teacher walks over with a soft smile. "Hello, I'm Ms. Skie. Who are you little cutie?" She says in a calm sweet voice and she kneels down to Lennon's level. "I'm sorry she is really shy, and since she probably won't tell you, her name is Lennon." I reply with a small laugh as Lennon ducks behind my legs. "That's perfectly alright, most are like this on their first day. Awe who is this little munchkin?" she chimes coming up to my level and then she starts cooing to Gaia. "This is Gaia, she's two." I say and Lennon decides to come out from behind me. "Gaia is my baby sister!" She chimes smiling up at her redheaded little sister. "Where does that red hair come from?" the teacher asks and Lennon smiles up at her. "My dad's side of the family, she looks a lot like my twin sister, her little boy has the same hair as her." I tell her and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Are you talking about me Brennan?" Ainsley asks Henry's had clenched tightly around her finger.

"Speaking of my sister, Ainsley this is Ms. Skie our little ones teacher." I tell her, Henry is now chatting animatedly with Lennon. "Oh well hello I'm Ainsley Hart, Henry is my son." She says extending her hand for the teacher to shake. "Okay well I must be off to teach my own class and to get little miss to daycare." I say and I wave to Ainsley, Lennon is off playing with Henry somewhere amongst the sea of little kids. "I will be over for dinner tonight." Ainsley says before I walk out the classroom door and head out to the parking lot. "Alrighty Gaia I have to get you to daycare and then I have to go to work." I chime as I buckle her into her car seat. This year I had my schedule adjusted so that I have the first class of the day as a free hour so that I don't have to worry about running late when dropping off the kids, and Logan got his so that he has the last hour free so that he can pick up Lennon on time. We now work in a perfect system and we are both happy.


"Hey Logan." I sigh as I plop down in a chair in the staff room and I set my lunch down on the table. "Hey babe." he says and he puts his arm over the back of my chair. "How's your day so far?" I ask him with a small yawn and I open up my lunch box and pull out my thermus of ginger soup. "It's been okay, how was dropping Lennon off?" He asks and I walk over to the microwave and pop in my soup. "It was something, she cried a little and wouldn't let go of me but when Ainsley got there with Henry she let go and played with him. Gaia did good too but of course she is used to getting dropped off at the daycare." I tell him and I cross my arms, leaning back slightly against the counter as I wait for the microwave to beep. "Awe I feel bad that I couldn't be there. How are you feeling?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows, I give him a questioning look. "What are you talking about?" I ask him and the microwave beeps, I turn and get my soup out then I walk back to the table. "You look flushed and I don't know kinda nauseated. Are you pregnant?" he asks, my eyes widen and I let out a gasp. "What makes you think that?" I ask him with a worried look on my face. "Your cheeks are red and a little puffy, your boobs by the way are looking swollen and that middle button on your cardigan looks a little tight." He says with a small grin, and I let out a groan.

"Oh my god, I'm pregnant. How far along do you think?" I chirp out and a smile creeps across my face. "Maybe two and a half months? You know when your mom had the girls that one weekend?" Logan questions and I nod while eating some of my soup. "Well after work you can go get the girls and I will go get a test." I tell him and then we slip into a comfortable silence as we eat. How did I not notice these signs, why haven't I gotten morning sickness? a voice screams in my head and I let out a small sign.


Hey guys! Yay, another baby! Comment, vote, tell your buddies!

Love ya!

~Kaylynn <3

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