Chapter One: New Town

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  • Dedicated to Miranda Smith Toomer


I officially HATE my dad's boss, or rather former boss. Man, I'd really like to give that guy a nice bullet to the head. Maybe then he'll see that he made a big mistake firing my dad and making us move out to the middle of no where. Well actually it was a nice little neighborhood in Irving. But still! I didn't like it! That douche-bag... Rawr.

As I sat in the back seat of our new sterling grey Ford pickup, I listened to my ipod and sang along to my favorite song. "Be my bad boy, be my man, by my week-end lover but don't be my friend! You can be my bad boy, but understand that I don't need you in my life again! Won't you be my-"

"Sophie!" My dad yelled from the driver's seat, interrupting me. "Will you please shut up?"

"Hmmm..." I pretended to think. "Nope. Now hush, I'm trying to listen." I then started dancing in my seat to beat of the techno music. "Just 'cause this is a horrible day doesn't mean I'm not gonna be in a good mood!"

I am really upset that I had to leave all my friends behind, but I can make new ones. I smiled as that popped into my mind, but then the smile faded. I was just lying to myself, trying to make myself feel better after leaving Winnie. I miss her so much already even though I just saw her like five minutes ago. Thats how close we are! We're like sisters! After like a few seconds without each other, we die inside! At least thats how I feel. I wish she could come live with us. OMG!

"Mom, can Winnie come live with us?!" I asked as I leaned on the front pasenger seat, getting my huge smile into my mom's face.

"Who?" She laughed.

"Winnie. Ya' know, Gracie?- My Gosh mom, Gracie Winter, my best friend since third grade!"

"I was kidding. Ya' know, JK?" My mom was imitating me.

"Not cool. But please!?" I begged with my best cute-pouty face.

"If her parents say its okay."

"What?!" My dad slammed on the breaks. Good thing we were at a red-light anyway.

"Really?! Oh my God mommy! Thank you so much!" I then gave her a big hug and kiss and began texting Winnie. My dad then started to argue about Winnie comming to live with us, but mom would take care of him.

Me- Hey G, guess what?! :D

G Winnie- What? :)

Me- How wud u like to come live wif me??? :D

G Winnie- Thad be awsom!! Can I?? OMG, i hav to ask my mom!

Few seconds later.. "Her mom said yes!" I exclaimed. My dad then hit his head on the steering wheel and made the horn honk continuously. "Daddy turn around! We gotta get Winnie!"

My dad raised his head, silencing the horn, gave a long, low sigh, and began to make a Uie. Really good thing no one else was around. We got to Winnie's house in only a few minutes, so I went in to help her pack. We ran out of boxes and had to start just shoving things in the Uhaul truck my brother was driving. He was really confused when we turned around and went all the way back, and even more confused when I went into Winnie's house. Me and Winnie lived next door to each other, we met the summer going onto third grade 'cause thats when she moved here. Now that I had Winnie, I was glad to be moving, I hated this town, it was so boring.

Winnie and I had a very deep conversation, through text, about what our new place would look like. And about what the new boys would look like! Hopefully really cute, or hot, or super sexy; whichever of the three, or all three would be great! Winnie then brought up something horrid that I hadn't thought about.

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