Chapter Fifteen: Visions part 2

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  • Dedicated to Miranda Smith Toomer


"Should we call the police?" I asked, looking at all the men in front of me, who had been arguing for over an hour. They stared at me. I scanned all the faces, only a few I knew. Then one who I think is named Baine, yelled out at me.

"Are you crazy?! We can't have even more humans knowing about whats going on!"

"What is going on?" I asked stupidly. Again I got stares, but now they were as confused as I had been.

Alester took my side. "You have to forgive her. For some reason or another, Gracie cannot remember these last few hours." He announced and everyone understood. Alester then looked down at me, a bit concerned. "Do you remember Sophie?"


That name sounds familiar, but I can't find a face to match. I searched my mind for any indication of who she might be, but found nothing. Only an instant flash of bright red hair flying in the wind. I then looked back at Alester, "No. I don't." The majority of the room sighed. Some in frustration, some in grief. "Who is she?"

"She is your best friend." A native said. I believe his name is Dimitri. "Alester said Peter went searching for her. Do you remember what happened at all? Who took her or anything?"

I closed my eyes and began searching around in the darkness. For a while i saw nothing. Then lights flashing by. Like cars. Then I heard a voice, a girl's voice. I didn't know what it was saying, for it was feint. Soon it began to form words, though they were distorted, and still I didn't understand them. I made out only one word and repeated it in my mind. Once i had done that, I saw mans face. "It was the man from the park that paralyzed me. I remember that." I spoke aloud without realizing. "He... he has the girl with red hair."

"Where?" Asked Renais. "Where are they??"

I then opened my eyes, stared at the floor and spoke the word I had heard. "The Ark."

As the car drove I stared out the window. It was morning. I remembered everything now. The man wanted Midnight. I tried to call for help. The man told me to run away and forget. No matter how hard I tried I could not defy his words. He had complete control over me. He made me run, made me fall, made me not feel pain.

We were heading to the airport. Not the commercial flight ones, but the one Dimitri's friends owns. It was Me, Dimitri, and Alester. The others stayed behind to look for Midnight.

I told them how I heard Sophie's voice and of what she said. I kept on hearing it. And each time it became more and more clear. She and the man fought in the park. He did not hurt her by touching her, but he broke both of her hands and one of her ankles by punching and kicking him many times. His body was like steel. My hand is still bruised from when I slapped him. He tried to take her away but she kept fighting. She pulled out a knife and attempted to cut through his skin, but it recoiled and the knife came back and slashed open her arm. I'm not sure if this really happened but the voice in my head said it is true.

After about the twentieth time of hearing it, I suppressed the words. We we're in the plain already but I seemed to have fallen asleep. And now in my dreams I could see the story sophie's voice had been telling me. It was awful. She lost so much blood. But the pat she never told me was the end. And now I know why. She lost too much blood. She fainted. The ma then found her knife and punctured his own wrist, almost slicing it in half, and let the blood flow from his body into Sophie's gaping mouth. The blood on her body was still there, but all the wounds began to heal. Her hands formed into their normal shapes and her ankle aligned. She then just layed there, sleeping.

I woke up. Alester was staring at me, I think. He had sunglasses on to hide his sensitive eyes. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and sat up, looking out the window. Alester smiled. "We're here."

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