Chapter Four: Rainbow Party Crashers

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  • Dedicated to Miranda Smith Toomer


"Really? She said that?" I asked while me and Sophie hung up posters.

"Yeah! And when he mentioned the party she was like 'Ooh a party! Can I go?!'" Soph said in the most rediculous voice ever. "I sware I'm gonna wrip off that stupid, ugly, piece of shit she calls her hair." She then pounded the stapler into the wall, making a bit of a hole.

"Woah Sophie, I knew you were the jelous type- but damn!- don't go breakin' our room!"

"Sorry." Wow, she didn't even deny being jelous. She must really hate this girl.

"Okay then what did he say?"

"Something 'bout an age limit, like no one under fifteen- but I think he was just making that up. Then she has the balls so say 'Oh, then that means you can't go either? Aww, too bad'. UGH! She pisses me off so bad!"

"What did she say when you told her you were sixteen, 'cause I know you did." I knew this girl better than she knew a gun- and thats saying alot!

"She just laughed and was like 'dout it'." I burst into laughter. Partly because this girl was such a retard, and partly because when Sophie immitated her she sounded like a deseased panguin! "Stop laughing!"

"I can't help it! You're hilarious!" I always knew the right things to say for she then joined me in giggling. "Okay, okay. Then what?"

"I got so pissed I was about to take a bedazzler to her eyes. But decided to just leave." She sighed as if she was dissapointed in her actions.

"Did Mordecai just let you walk out?" If so, he'd be a real jerk.

"No, he told me to wait for him. But I could still hear little miss pesky-in-pink talkin' shit 'bout me, and Mordie defending me. He's so nice." Sophie then just stared off into space. She is such a drama queen. But you gotta love her.

So much happened on Thursday it made it seem like we had no lives on Friday. All we did was mess with our room, trying to figure out how to decorate it- which only took like twenty minutes- then picked out outfits for the party (seven times), and got stuck with Sophie's parents picking out paint colors for about three hours. The rest of the day we watched movies in our room and pigged-out on Gatorade and Pixy Stix- tryin' not to get bloated right before a pool party.

Its Saturdaaay! Its swimmin' time, der-ner-ner-ner. Ha! I'm weird... Anyway! Sophie is wearing one of her many black bikinies- this one has neon rainbow flower things on it- her dark blue denim short-shorts (they're so low in the front you can see her star tattoo on her hip!), and my favorite of her boots. They're 'bout mid-calf, black, have white foux fur on the top, a neon green stripe down the side, and two inch magenta heeles.

I was dressed a little more suttle, but just a little. I wore my blue, green, and teal plaid bikini, purple denim mini-skirt, and orange slippers with green bows. Doesn't match but looks really cute! With my slippers you could  perfectly see my Virgo tattoo that Soph did for me on my ankle.

I also had a blue bow in my bleach blonde and black ponytail, allowing freedom to only my bangs- which falf were blue and pruple. And Sophie had in a rainbow headband in, letting her red hair flow, and her pink and purple bangs peak out. We had to accessorize. I then slipped on my see-through pink gloves, a pink, blue, and black striped belt, and devil-horned peace sign neckless. Sophie dug out her leather rainbow glove, applied it to her left hand, then got a peice of blue lace and tied it comfertable around her neck. She also found her chain belt with a little stick person made of wire on it and cruised it through her belt loops, letting it hang from her shorts.

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