Chapter Twelve: Reveling

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  • Dedicated to Miranda Smith Toomer


Demitri and Peter lead us inside. We had no idea what was going on. Demitri directed us to the couch, so we sat and stayed. I saw that Sophie kept looking down the hall, very tence and cautious. She was probably thinking about Ren.

"He's not here." Demitri said, probably thinking the same thing I was. But we were both stunned by his voice we turned to him with a jerk. His voice was exceptionally deep today. Perhaps he was worried about if we had told anyone... "He and Jason are at Dante's. I asked Peter to come so he could talk to Mordecai about how to tell you girls the whole story."

"Yeah, thats not goin' so well." Peter groaned. "He won't speak to me. He's just locked up in his room."

"This is odd, he hasn't come out since he came back from taking you home."

Immediately after they said that, i looked at Sophie, who was forcing herself not to turn red, but some still leaked through. Demitri saw and looked confused. Then his eyes had come to a realization and he became stern and bombarded down the hall. After that all we heard was a door being ripped off the hinges. Peter then fallowed and we heard a crash. Both me and Sophie sprang from the couch and went to the hall entrance where we could see.

Mordecai had Peter pinned against the wall. Nothing but pure anger on his face. I noticed Soph back up a bit. She was scared. Demitri saw us standing there and pealed Mordie off of Peter, who held his hands up in surrender, obviously not wanting to start a fight right now.

"Why the hell did you break my door?!" Mordecai asked. Woah, I've never heard him cuss before.

"You broke the code, didn't you?!" Demitri asked with a bit of a yell. He seemed more pissed than Mordecai was.

The whole house was silent now. Peter and Demtiri stared, waiting for an answer. Me and Sophie just stood back, waiting to know what was happening. Then Mordecai looked back, locked eyes with Sophie, and turned to his brother with a big sly grin on his face.

"Define broke." He said cockily, earning a now pissed off Peter and Demitri!

"Mordecai! What did you do?!" Demitri demanded, but all Mordecai did was keep on grinning. Demitri was now royally pissed. Oh crap whats gonna happen??? "Mordecai... I'm not playing around. What happened?!"

"I kissed him!" Sophie cried out. Everyone turned to her, even me. Her face was pink and her eyes were big and innocent. She looked so fragile and confused...

"You did what?" Demitri asked, getting pissed at her now.

"I kissed him." She answered with added emphasis. "It wasn't his fault. Its mine."

"Still he did nothing to stop you I'm sure." Peter said, a saddened tone in his low voice.

And with that, Mordie gave a little chuckle. "Of course not! Why would anyone want to stop it? Haha!" This was weird, he seemed different. More confident. Maybe it was because Sophie kissed him?

"She belongs to Renais now Mordecai! You can't have her!" Demitri stated.

"Do you not think I know that!? But the fact is, I do not care. I love her and I will not let Renais or anyone else take her away from me." He seemed to be back to normal now, at least with his speaking. He then turned and walked up to.. me? Woah, whats going on? "Gracie, with your permission, may I please be allowed to see her?"

"Okay.. this is something he should be asking her dad, but why me?" I asked, confused.

"You know her the best, you know whats good for her and whats not. I just hope I can be one of the good ones." He explained with a sweet smile. Oh my gosh he's such a sweetheart! 

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