Chapter Eleven: It Only Gets Worse...

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  • Dedicated to Miranda Smith Toomer


The silence was broken by the ring of my phone, though I dare not move. Ren looked at me, then down, reaching into my front pocket and pulling out my cell. He smiled as he looked back to me. He had fangs too, but not like Peter's- these were bulkier, like canine teeth.

He answered and I could hear Winnie's voice through the speaker. "Sophie? Soph, are you alright? Whats taking so long?"

Ren's voice came out cold and deep, not recognizable at all. "She can't talk now." He then hung up and tossed my phone over his shoulder.

Somehow, I found the strength to speak. "Ren..." Though it was mousy, I could still protest. "I think you misunderstood me.."

"Oh did I now?" He asked, the smile not leaving his face as he whispered in my ear, "You said you'd give me anything  I wanted, correct?"

"Y-yes... But I meant-" Suddenly I was cut off by hot forceful lips pressing against my own.

I tried to push Ren away, but he had a tight grip. He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding my body close to his. Though I was still trying to escape his grasp, I could feel myself weaken. The taste of his warm breath was intoxicating. After a few minutes of struggle, I began to kiss him back, almost without thinking. I was starting to enjoy this. But this was wrong.

I then felt his toung slip into my mouth, roaming my own. I gasped, my back arched, and I felt the strangest sensation. Something in the back of my mind told me that I wanted him. It was so odd because it was something I'd never felt before. It wasn't love... It was Lust.

Not too long after my realization, I noticed something hard under me. After opening my eyes I quickly retreated from Ren's lips, seeing as I was now on the ground. Ren hovered over me, and even though I tried to avoid his kisses I still felt them on my cheek and neck. Then his lips began to venture down.

"Ren! Ren stop it!" And my words rained true, because the kisses ceased. He stayed above me though, not moving from his position, and just stared at me with cold, dark eyes. "Ren... are you okay?"

Then he smiled. It was a wicked grin that seemed too sinister to be Ren. I also saw that his fangs were larger now, and he seemed to be drooling. Then I noticed his eyes change, from a deep chocolaty brown, to a blurred gold color. He also started to breath heavier, his fringers dug into the ground, and he approached my face.

"You're mine now." Ren's voice was low and melevolent, not sounding anything like him. Not even sounding human. He then quickly slipped one hand behind my head & pulled me up to him. He kissed me with a firey passion that was both romantic and scarey. I felt his tounge again but did not fight.

In a flash his lips left mine and I felt a sharp, excruciating pain on my right wrist. I screamed out in agony. It felt as if something was taring at my flesh, wripping it off the bone. But I knew this couldn't be because the feeling stayed in one place: the veiny part of my wrist, right under the palm. I continued to scream even as the wripping came to a hault. Now the place that had just gone through the most unpleasant feeling in the word, was stinging and itchy. I wanted to badly to scratch it but I was weak and tired. My screams stopped, but fast sparatic breaths came out, along with a few grunts as my arm continued to ache. Soon I began to feel a warm damp thing run down the sides of my wrist. Finally finding the strength to move, I lifted my arm.

What I saw was morbid. A giant ring of bloody indentions, with a black and purple mist in the middle. It was a bite, but not that of a human. The perimeter was much to large and oval shaped. The indentions were large, four going very deep- the canine teeth. Dark red, seemingly black, streeks ran down my arm as I kept it in the air, and I began to feel dizzy. The smell of the blood was overwhelming. It wasn't the normal smell or color of my blood. Something was wrong... Oh well duh you moron!

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