Chapter Two: Donuts, Fighting, then a Party

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  • Dedicated to Miranda Smith Toomer


It was good that Sophie was getting over Vincent. I'm glad she found Mordecai, but his friends are irritating. Ever since yesterday they won't leave me alone! They keep comming over to the house asking for me, and I have to make Sophie get rid of them somehow. And when Mordecai took me and Soph on a tour of the neighborhood yesterday, they kept fallowing us. And not just the ones from the park, others too! Even guys I'm pretty sure Mordecai didn't even know!

But something was bothering me from that day. "Hey Sophie, remember yesterday- that guy.." She wasn't paying attention. She just turned away from the mirror, holding a strand of hair in her straight iron, looking at me like an idiot. "Were you even listening?!"

"Not really." She turned back to the mirror and continued doing her hair. I then found a Happy Bunny plush doll and through it at her head, accidentally making her slip and burn her hand. "OW!" She yelped. "FFFAh! What the hell Winnie?!"

"I'm sorry! I just wanted you to pay attention!"

"Well I'm payin' attention NOW!" Soph then got a wet rag and held it on her hand and sat on the bed with me. "So whats up?" She sounded so calm. What the heck? Bipolar much?

"Well do you rememeber yesterday, when Mordecai was taking us to his house, I saw someone. I thought you saw him too, did you?"

"The creepy guy in the bushes? Yeah." Yes! I'm not crazy! "He was fallowing us like all day, I thought he was another one or Mordie's friends, but I guess not after the way he acted."  She then went deep into thought and was quiet for a while.

"He was cute though." I said cheerfully, trying to get her out of her dramatic pause.

Sophie turned to me real slow like, and just stared at me. It was freakin' me out, then she smiled really big and I knew what was comming. "Creepy stalker dude likes you! And you think he's cute! -Y'all should go out!!!"

"What?! -NO! I-I don't even know him!"

"Oh really? Well that didn't seem like a problem when you pretty much told me the same thing about Mordecai." She gave me a sly grin. Little devil. "Practice what you preach, honey." Sophie then went right back to straightening her hair.

She  was right, but of course I'd never tell her that. I'm the responsible one, so I always have to be right. Sophie was the silly one, who always made people smile. We really were like sisters, but I was the older one and she was the toddler.

Still though, yesterday really freaked me out.

We were on our way to Mordecai's house, his wasn't really in the neighborhood, so it was our last stop. Surrounding the neighborhood was a big wooded area, Mordecai lived in there- or past there (I don't know, we never got to go). But as we were walking into the dense trees, I heard something in the bushes, and looked over to see a guy. Not much of a surprise since they were stalking me- but this one was different. He just stared at me a while, then looked over to Mordecai, who was glaring. Wow, talk about tension. Then when Sophie said hi, he ran away. I tried to fallow, but he was gone. What was his problem?

He was really cute. He had shoulder length red hair, really pale skin, and gorgeous bright blue-green eyes. The way he dressed and had his hair, I thought he was a vampire, but then I felt stupid. It'd be cool to meet a vampire though, ya' know, if they didn't try to eat me.

Sophie also had a point about the way Mordecai acted, he was real cautious after the vamp dude came. He didn't even take us to his house, and took us back home immediately. Weird. Okay, for some reason, this reminds me of Twilight, but the guys are way cuter here. And wait- I'm so stupid!- vampires can't live in Texas, its way too hot and sunny. They'd either be melting or sparkling all over the place! Ha! Wow I'm dumb.

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