Going to Forbes's Cabin

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Klaus's POV

We went to her car and she start to driving really fast, a couple of hours later we were in the cabin.

"I know it's small but we can live here for a while..." She said and then we get into the cabin, it was made of wood and small but it was cozy, I kind of like it.

I seat in the couch and start to think about Caroline's answers, how she saw the humanity in me, how she forgave me after everything and mainly, how she felt alone and unloved and that she loved me.

"Klaus I am going to bed. If you want some blood there is blood bags in the fridge that is in the room downstairs, next to my mother's guns." She said interrupting my thoughts.

"Caroline?" I called her getting up.

"Yes" she said turning to see me.

"Sorry for getting in the middle of this" I said, I wanted to ask her about what happened, but I didn't feel that she was ready for talking.

"It's okay" She said with a weak smile and after tell me where is my room, she went to her room.

Caroline's POV

I can't sleep I just keep thinking about what happened in the bar and how I said that I love Klaus. I decided to go to the kitchen and drink some blood. I was drinking my blood bag when I heard a noise I grabbed the bat by instinct and screamed when I saw a figure coming up to me.

"Calm down Caroline it's me..." He said with his hands in the air.

"Thank God! Don't scare me like that again." I warned him putting my hand in my heart trying to calm down.

"Sorry. But why were you using a bat?" He asked smirking.

"What? Before I was human and protect myself with this bat..." I said making Klaus chuckled. "Shut up!"

"Okay" He said smiling and I smiled back at him.

"What are you doing up?"

"Can't sleep. You?"


"Caroline, you shouldn't be here with me... If Mikael find us..."

"Klaus I am not going to leave you." I said cutting him off, looking deeply into his eyes and getting closer to him. "I don't abandon people I care about."

"Caroline, it's too dangerous"

"I am going to be okay, just promise me you will not push me away..." I said looking deeply into his eyes.

"I promise" he said looking at my eyes.

"I better go..." I said looking at the ground.

"Goodnight" He said smiling making me look at him.


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