Morning in the Forbes's Cabin

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Caroline's POV

I woke up, took a shower and put a black top with jeans and my brown-dark boots, then I decided to make pancakes, I put the radio on and start singing and making the pancakes, the song was 'Wake me Up'.

I was putting the pancakes in the plate and singing at the same time when I heard someone chuckle, it was Klaus and I just gave him a glare.

"Good morning love" He said smirking.

"Good Morning Klaus" I said smiling. "Do you want some pancakes?"

"I would love to" He said smiling, and we went back to the table eating the pancakes.

"I thought that we made a deal that it was my turn to make the breakfast." Klaus said smirking.

"Tomorrow it's your turn."

"I don't know, I really like to hear you sing." He said smirking and I smiled to him then we get back to our pancakes, after that we went outside.

"A question. That bike is yours?"

"Yeah... it was my first bike" I said with a sad smile.

"Did I say something wrong?" He asked worried.

"No. It's just, the last memory that my mother had before dying it was her teaching me how to ride a bike and I was saying 'Don't leave I am not ready' and she answering 'You are ready', then it was the end of the memory and it was when I heard her last heart beat..." I said with a weak smile, but I knew that my eyes were full of sadness.

"I'm so sorry." He said and then he hugged me, and I cry and his shoulder.

"I'm sorry for crying when we have so many other things to do..." I said breaking the hug.

Klaus's POV

"You don't have to be sorry. You can talk to me and cry in my shoulder whenever you need to..." I said, cleaning her tears and I let my hands resting on her cheeks, she gave me a small smile and I look deeply into her beautiful eyes, I leaned and when I was about to kiss her someone interrupt us.

"Hello Care and Klaus! Rebekah asked me to check on you" Stefan said.

"Hey Stef!" Caroline said.

"Stefan" I said and fake a smile.

"I am sorry did I...?"

"No." Caroline quickly said.

"So... What can we do for you mate?" I asked him.

"Just tell me how long you are going to stay here." Stefan said and I didn't know what to answer him.

"I actually think about that... I was thinking I stay here with Klaus for a weak or two and then we go to the house that my father had, and we continue to change houses until we find a way to beat Mikael and put in some place where he can't get out." Caroline said serious, I was surprised about how did she thought about everything and not even passed 24 hours since we run away from the Whitmore College

"What about finishing college and all that stuff?" Stefan asked.

"I'm a vampire, I have all the time in the world to do that. Right now I am going to be here and try to think about how to fight against Mikael." She said.

"Caroline, I don't want to see you get hurt because of my fights..." I said looking at her with worry.

"I can handle myself and besides, Alaric taught me how to fight against powerful people, even more powerful than me."


"No. Like I said, I am not going to leave you..." She said looking at me and with a serious face then added "I am not letting people who I care about get hurt."

"Caroline, are you sure about this?" Stefan asked and she nodded then he added "Okay, I am going meet Rebekah. Bye guys"

He went to the car and drive away. I looked at Caroline.

"Don't. I'm not going to leave you."

"Love, this is too dangerous."

"You think I can't handle myself?" She asked me.

"It's not that. I... I am just"

"You're what?"

"I'm afraid of losing you or Mikael using you as my weakness okay?" I said and she got closer to me and resting her hand in my cheek.

"You're not going to lose me." She said with a small smile.

"You promise?"

"I promise" She said with a smiling.

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