9. Nijimura Shuzou

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Q1. Hm, what is your name?

Nijimura Shuzou. The 'Niji' in my name translates into rainbow.

Q2. Not what you WANT to be, but your name.

Yes, it is Nijimura Shuzou. I am not Akashi Shuzou or Midorima Shuzou or whatever color Shuzou. I'm just all of those.

Q3. Kuroko Tetsuya or Aomine Daiki?

Kuroko was definitely much more of a decent kid than Aomine, but Aomine wasn't too bad before puberty hit him like truck. I'll stay in the middle.

Q4. Murasakibara Atsushi or Midorima Shintaro?

Murasakibara is a like a little brother, while Midorima was more like the grandfather in a middle schooler's disguise. But again, I won't choose anyone.

Q5. More annoying: Hanamiya Makoto OR Haizaki Shogo.

That's a hard question. I'll go with Hanamiya, because I still have some grace for my kohai.

Q6. Kise Ryouta or Akashi Seijuro?

I would want a friend like Kise, and a business partner like Akashi. Your question was?

Q7. You know, one day I forgot how to use a boomerang... but it eventually came back to me.


Q8. The captain of your team is...

I'm not in a basketball club right now, but I was a captain.

Q9. Ok, now onto the real questions... AkaKuro or KagaKuro?

I don't who the Kaga thing stands for, so I would go with AkaKuro. Akashi can't come and find me in America, right?

Q10. Joking. Who would you save when they are about to drown: Midorima Shintaro or Akashi Seijuro?

You know... logically, if they are about to drown and I need to save one of them, since they are nearby me, and if I am standing on land, wouldn't they have gotten out already?

Q11. More epic: Aomine Daiki or Murasakibara Atsushi?

Uh, you know... really, I'm not sure. None of them looked epic to me.

Q12. Do you watch Oha-Asa?

I used to, but not anymore.

Q13. Aw, Midorima will hate you.

You know what? Murasakibara is better than Midorima.

Q14. More derpy: Kise Ryouta or Izuki Shun?

Who's Izuki?

Q15. Can you go into the Zone?


Q16. Cats or Dogs?

Dogs, perhaps.

Q17. Late question: What team are you on?

Used to be in Teiko.

Q18. What team do you WANT to be on?

For now, if I am in high school... I would've really wanted to go to Touou.

Q19. Answer honestly... who do you think is the dumbest among the Generation of Miracles?

It really depends - but Aomine does get the lowest grades.

Q20. Finally... do you agree the Kuroko no Basket is a gay-themed anime?

Not really.

Q21. LAST QUESTION: Who do you like most among the Generation of Miracles?

I used to be very fond with generally all of them. I liked Kise's bright personality, Midorima's cold aura, Murasakibara's childish side, Aomine's passionate self, and Akashi's responsible and composed figure.

Q22. REALLY LAST QUESTION: Do you agree that Akashi Seijuro looks like a tomato?

A ripe one, yeah. A not so ripe one would be Midorima.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2015 ⏰

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