The school councillor

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"There is someone who can help. He is still helping me and my friends, he can never tell anyone anything without your permission. He is safe." Bruce said softly. "I can introduce you right now if you want?"

A little while later Bruce knocked on Phil's office door. And only a second later a calm voice could be heard. "The door is open, come in."
With a small encouraging smile towards Loki, Bruce opened the door and walked in. The younger student stalled slightly as he slowly closed the door behind him, before carefully glancing up at the suited man behind the desk.
His posture was still the same as always, curled in on himself, clutching his bag tight, and keeping his eyes as far down as possible behind his sunglasses.

Phil Coulson was a very observant man, which made him very good at his work. He looked from a slightly distressed and worried Bruce, to an unknown student who screamed issues. It was obvious the thin boy didn't like having attention drawn to him, and therefore Phil turned to Bruce first. "How may I help you Bruce?" He asked in his every calm voice as he motioned for both boys to have a seat.
"Well, ehm, we need your help. Or actually, Loki needs your help. Like you helped us." The brunette answered. An intelligent boy, that Banner. With that last scentence he made sure Phil knew exactly what was going on, without straight up saying it. Informing, without creating an awkward environment.
Phil just nodded in understanding and looked at Loki. "Loki, my name is Phil Coulson. You may just call me Phil. I want you to know that everything you say within these walls, stays here. Your secrets will never be shared without your permission. Now, I believe mister Banner has classes to attend..." Phil glanced at Bruce with mocking stern eyes. "How about we have some tea and talk a little?"
Loki nodded ever so softly, that didn't sound too bad. Normally he would have kept quiet and hidden away, but he was just so tired. He couldn't do this anymore. Maybe... Maybe if Odin got angry and kicked him out, he would be able to get a job and a place of his own...

Bruce nodded and told Loki to come by after classes to say hi. Which was basically stating he wanted to know how things went. Then the brunette left and Phil grabbed two cups, putting them on the desk before turning the water boiler on.
Once the tea was ready, and Loki was holding the cup between thin hands, he did feel calmer then ever before on the school grounds. It was then that Coulson spoke up.
"Would you take your sunglasses off?" He asked with a tone that stated it was a request, not an order.
Loki carefully nodded before taking the glasses off and subconsciously trying to seem even smaller. He let his long hair fall half before his face, hiding the bruise and carefully keeping his eyes down.
Phil stayed silent for a long moment. He had expected the view, but that didn't mean he liked it. It never got easier to find out a student was being abused in some way. And in this case it seemed to be both physical and mental. Damn whoever did this. "Loki, could you tell me how that happened?" He asked softly.
The student took a sip of his tea before putting the cup down, hands shaking. He didn't answer until his arms were firmly wrapped around his own chest. "I- I got home late. So I was pu-punished." He stuttered softly, terrified.
The first thing Phil noticed was the terror in the boy's voice as soon as be spoke. But the second thing was the way he told the story. He didn't say someone hit him, probably a fater figure, because of disobedience. He specifically told the story as if he was to blame. So definitely mental abuse. "Do you think coming home late justifies getting a blue eye?" Phil asked calmly, not judging or expecting a certain answer, just patiently waiting for what Loki would say.
It was difficult answering for the kid. He had no idea. Was it justified? It seemed like it. Although Thor often got home too late from parties, and he was never hit. While when Loki got home ten minutes too late, out of breath because he had ran all the way, he was sent to his room without dinner after receiving a few slaps. The only reason he got late was because Thor had sneaked out of school to go see a movie with his wrestling buddies, forgetting he was suppose to give Loki a ride home. If was okay, it happened more often, but he couldn't run as fast as usual with his ankles both sprained.
So was it justified? He truly was late, and so he had disobeyed. "It does. For me." He eventually answered. He had no worth after all, so a few punches in trade for a house, clothes, and college, was nothing.
Phil didn't look pitying, he just looked thoughtful. "You are Thor his younger brother?" He asked to get the picture in his mind fitting somehow.
Loki carefully shook his head. "No, I'm a-adopted. We live in the same house, but we're not b-brothers." The student explained softly. He sounded defeated again, like in the library, empty and tired.
But this made the pieces fit together. The son by blood was treated like gold, got whatever he wanted, and the younger adopted child was abused. "The one who executes the punishments, does he live there as well?" The question made sure Loki wouldn't have to give a name while still letting him know if his home situation was safe or not.
There was a tiny nod while Loki's hands clenched into fists.
Phil had an idea, it was obviously hard to talk for this boy, it was probably beaten out of him. But there were other ways to find out what was happening exactly. "Alright, I am going to give you an assignment for today. Then I want you to come see me again tomorrow, and we will discuss it." He suggested and continued after receiving another small nod. "I want you to write a short essay, about your day. Write down as much detail from waking up to falling asleep, describe environments, situations, and try to write down how you feel at each turn of events. Is that something you could do?" Coulson asked calmly.
Loki nodded softly. "I can t-try." He added in a whisper.
Phil smiled a little. "Then that's settled, I know I said we should meet tomorrow, but how about you write your essay about tomorrow, and we will meet the day after. You can just drop by whenever you have time."

After both saying goodbye, Loki left, feeling a small spark of hope somewhere deep within his heart. It refused to be pushed away, burning steadily and warmly. Someone offered to help him. Maybe, just maybe, things would become a little better. Just a little. He didn't expect much, but if only he wasn't sent to his room without dinner as often, he would like that. Not that it mattered what he liked, he would accept whatever he got.
As he walked through the halls towards his class that would start in fifteen minutes, he saw Bruce and his friends. He almost said hello, but then he saw Thor, so he quickly turned his gaze to the floor, clutched his bag close, and walked past as quietly as possible.
"Loki, wait up."
Dammit. Thor was running after him, quickly catching up. Making sure to keep his eyes down Loki turned to Thor. "I'm sorry." He whispered in advance, he probably did something bad again.
"There is no need to apologise brother, I should be the one saying sorry. I should not have said the things I did. I do not know what has happened, and yet I judge you like I do. Please forgive me my harsh words?"
He was apologising? That wasn't how things went... So Loki just blankly nodded, more in shock that in forgiveness.
"Thank you brother, I shall see you after classes to ride you home!" Thor boomed before leaving again.
That was odd. But when Loki looked up a little, he could see Bruce looking at him. His friends glanced his way as well, and they all smiled softly. It made Loki confused. People didn't smile at him.
He quickly turned around and continued walking towards his class, this situation was just too weird.
Besides, he had an essay to write.

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